刓 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 刓
Stroke Order Diagrams for 刓
Information of 刓
6 strokes
刓 [wán]1. 削。 [To pare; to shave off.]2. 刻;挖刻。 [To carve; to engrave.]3. 坏,损坏。 [To damage; to ruin.]4. 圆钝无棱角的样子。 [Rounded, dull, and lacking sharp edges or corners.]5. 古地名,在今中国陕西省澄城县南、大荔县东北。 [An ancient geographic name, located south of Chengcheng County and northeast of Dali County in Shaanxi Province, China.]本义: 削去棱角 [Original meaning: To pare away the edges and corners.]造字法: 形声。从刀,元声。 [Character formation: A phono-semantic compound; combines the element for "knife" and the sound element.]同本义: [Same original meaning:] 削去棱角 [To pare the edges and corners.]引: 1. 《广雅·释诂一》:刓,断也。 [Guangya: "刓" means to break.]2. 《史记·郦生贾陆传》:刻印刓而不能授。 [Records of the Grand Historian: "刓" is mentioned regarding carving and printing.]3. 《汉书·韩信传》:刻印刓忽不能予。 [Han Book: Refers to "刓" in the context of engraving.]例: 又如: 刓剔(削剃) [For example: 刓剔 (to shave off or pare).]磨损: [Wear and tear.] 例: 如: 刓隐(因磨损而模糊不清); 刓缺(磨损残缺); 刓钝(磨损钝弊); 刓弊(磨损) [For example: 刓隐 (to become unclear due to wear); 刓缺 (to be worn and incomplete); 刓钝 (to be blunt or dull from wear); 刓弊 (to suffer from wear).]雕琢: [To carve.] 引: 1. 《楚辞·怀沙》:刓方以为圆兮。 [From "Songs of Chu": "刓" refers to the process of shaping to roundness.] 例: 又如: 刓饰(雕琢修饰); 刓凿(雕凿); 刓刻(刻削; 研磨) [For example: 刓饰 (to carve and embellish); 刓凿 (to carve and engrave); 刓刻 (to carve and grind).]残缺,凋敝: [Incomplete; desolate.] 例: 如: 刓困(凋敝疲困); 刓弱(残损疲弱); 刓缪(损坏错乱) [For example: 刓困 (to be in a situation of weariness and desolation); 刓弱 (to be weak and damaged); 刓缪 (to be damaged and disordered).]玩忽: [Neglect.] 例: 如: 刓弛(玩忽废弛); 刓脱(玩忽疏略); 刓渎(玩忽轻慢) [For example: 刓弛 (to neglect and become lax); 刓脱 (to neglect and overlook); 刓渎 (to neglect and treat lightly).] 挖,剜: [To dig or scoop out.] 例: 如: 刓其目 [For example: 刓其目 (to dig out the eyes).]
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters