懁 stroke order

懁 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 懁 Stroke Order Diagrams for 懁 Information of 懁 Pinyinxun、 hunRadical忄Strokes16 strokesUsage★★Definition 懁 [xun] 1. 急躁 (impatient) Definition: A state of being impatient or hurried. Example: As noted in h...

懁 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 懁

懁 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 懁

懁 Stroke Order Diagrams

Information of 懁

Pinyinxuān、 huān



16 strokes




懁 [xuān] 1. 急躁 (impatient) Definition: A state of being impatient or hurried. Example: As noted in historical texts, it is often related to an impulsive temperament. 2. 性情乖戾 (irritable temperament) Definition: A disposition that is easily provoked or quick to anger. 3. 又轻又慢 (light and slow) Definition: Describing something that is both light in weight and slow in pace. 引述: 1. 《说文》:懁,急也。从心。 (From "Shuowen": "懁" means urgent. It derives from the heart.) 2. 《庄子·列御寇》:有顺懁而达。 (From "Zhuangzi": "Some are impatient yet achieve." ) 3. 《史记·货殖列传》:民俗懁急。 (From "Records of the Grand Historian": "The people tend to be impatient.") 例句: 又如: 懁促 (impeccably urgent); 懁急 (impatient nature).

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  • 懁 stroke order

    懁 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 懁 Stroke Order Diagrams for 懁 Information of 懁 Pinyinxun、 hunRadical忄Strokes16 strokesUsage★★Definition 懁 [xun] 1. 急躁 (impatient) Definition: A state of being impatient or hurried. Example: As noted in h

    2025-01-20 18:55:01
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