秏 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 秏
Stroke Order Diagrams for 秏
Information of 秏
Pinyinhào、 mào
9 strokes
秏 1. An ancient type of rice plant mentioned in historical texts.古书上说的一种稻类植物。2. To reduce; synonymous with "耗", meaning to consume.同“耗”,消耗。3. A surname.姓。Noun: A type of rice plant. As stated in "Shuowen Jiezi, Grain section": "秏, a member of the rice family. Yi Yin said: 'The best rice is the grain from Yuanshan and the秏 from Nanhai.'"名词:一种稻类植物。《说文解字.禾部》:「秏,稻属。伊尹曰:『饭之美者,元山之禾,南海之秏。』」Verb: To decrease. Synonymous with "耗". As noted in "Guangyun, Qu Sheng, Hao Yun": "秏 means to reduce; often mistakenly written as 耗." In "Zhouli, Records of Winter Officials": "??氏为量,改煎金锡则不秏." Tang dynasty commentary by Jia Gongyan: "秏 means to decrease."动词:减少。同「耗」。《广韵.去声.号韵》:「秏,减也。俗作耗。」《周礼.冬官考工记.氏》:「??氏为量,改煎金锡则不秏。」唐.贾公彦.疏:「秏,减也。」4. A term interchangeably used with "眊", meaning chaotic or confused.通“眊”,混乱。5. Synonymous with "眊", meaning chaos or disorder: "The world is in chaos, and the people are restless." 通“眊”,混乱:“天下~乱,万民不安。”
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