彣 stroke order

彣 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 彣 Stroke Order Diagrams for 彣 Information of 彣 PinyinwnRadical彡Strokes7 strokesUsage★★Definition Definition of 「彣」:1. 错综驳杂的花纹或色彩。 - Intricate and mixed patterns or colors.2. 文釆;才华。 - Lite...

彣 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 彣

彣 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 彣

彣 Stroke Order Diagrams

Information of 彣




7 strokes




Definition of 「彣」:1. 错综驳杂的花纹或色彩。 - Intricate and mixed patterns or colors.2. 文釆;才华。 - Literary elegance; talent.1. 错综驳杂的花纹或色彩。《説文•多部》:“彣,㦽也。”段玉裁注:“有彣彰謂之彣。”《廣韻•文韻》:“彣,青興赤雜。”《龍布手鑑•彡部》:“彣,彣彩斑雜也。”清龔自珍《與江居士箋》:“如風吹水,萬態皆有,皆成彣彰。” - Intricate and mixed patterns or colors. "彣" refers to complicated designs. According to "Shuowen Jiezi, Duobu": "彣 means complicated." Duan Yucai notes: "When the patterns are intricate, they are referred to as 彣." "Guangyun, Wen Yun": "彣 means mixed blue and red." In "Longbu Shoujian, Shanbu": "彣 refers to the intricate and variegated colors." Qing scholar Gong Zizhen said in his letter to Jiangs: "Like the wind blowing on water, many forms exist, all becoming 彣."2. 文釆;才华。《白繼琳幢記》:“事既,仍欲紀考之氏族履行及始襄事,迺訪之有彣者。”清李慈銘《書凌氏廷堪校禮堂集中書唐文粹文後》:“范曄、沈約、魏收、姚察諸史,彣彣彧彧,蔚乎可觀。” - Literary elegance; talent. Liao Leizhu noted in "Bai Jilin's Monument": "After the matter is done, I still want to record the clan's conduct and the initial affairs, so I seek those with 彣." Qing scholar Li Ciming wrote in "The Collected Works of the Ling Family": "Historians such as Fan Ye, Shen Yue, Wei Shou, and Yao Cha possess remarkable talent and are truly worth observing."

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  • 彣 stroke order

    彣 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 彣 Stroke Order Diagrams for 彣 Information of 彣 PinyinwnRadical彡Strokes7 strokesUsage★★Definition Definition of 「彣」:1. 错综驳杂的花纹或色彩。 - Intricate and mixed patterns or colors.2. 文釆;才华。 - Lite

    2025-01-20 19:30:02
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