绣 Stroke Order
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Information of 绣
10 strokes
to embroider
绣 [xiù] 綉、繍 1. 用丝线等在绸和布上缀成花纹或文字。 (To use silk threads and the like to stitch patterns or characters on silk and cloth.) 2. 绣成的物品。 (Embroidered items.) 1. 用丝线等在绸和布上缀成花纹或文字:~字。~花。刺~。 (To use silk threads and the like to stitch patterns or characters on silk and cloth: embroidered characters, embroidered flowers, needlework.) 2. 绣成的物品:粤~。苏~。湘~。锦~山河。锦心~口(形容文思、词藻都优美、华丽)。 (Embroidered items: Cantonese embroidery, Suzhou embroidery, Hunan embroidery, brocade depicting landscapes. Beautiful words and thoughts, rich and ornate.) 【动】 (Verb) (形声。从糸,肅声。从“糸”( mì)与丝织有关。本义:刺绣) 同本义 (【英】:embroider)。用彩色线在布帛上刺成花、鸟、图案等 (Phonetic compound. The left part means silk, the right part represents a sound association. Original meaning: to embroider. Use colored threads to stitch flowers, birds, patterns, etc., on cloth or silk.) 【引】 1. 《说文》:绣,五采备也。 按考工记,以言画缋之事。则凡黹与画之五采备者,皆曰绣也。 (From "Shuowen Jiezi": Embroidery is complete with five colors. According to "Kaogongji", it refers to matters concerning painting and fabric. Therefore, anything that is embroidered with five colors is said to be "embroidery".) 2. 《书·益稷》:絺绣。 郑注:“刺者为绣。”按,谓针缕所紩者,其色备五采。紩者,黹字。郑以刺释黹,非以刺释绣也。 (From "Book of Documents": tapestry embroidery. Zheng’s note says "the stitcher is an embroiderer." This refers to what is worked with needles and threads, completed in five colors.) 3. 《玉台新咏·古诗为焦仲卿妻作》:妾自绣腰襦。 (From "Yutai Xinyong": "I embroidered a waist dress for myself.") 4. 著我绣夹裙。 (Wearing my embroidered skirt.) 5. 朝绣夹裙。 (Morning embroidered skirt.) 6. 《徐霞客游记·游黄山记》:灿若图绣。 (From "Xu Xiake’s Travels": "Bright as a painting of embroidery.") 【例】 又如:绣幌(乡花的帷幔,窗帘);绣鹄(锦绣的飞禽图);绣佛(用彩色的丝刺绣成的佛像);绣被(绣有彩色花纹的被子)。 (For example: embroidered drape (a curtain of village flowers); embroidered wild goose (a brocade image of flying birds); embroidered Buddha (a statue of Buddha embroidered with colored silk); embroidered quilt (a quilt with colorful patterns).) 2. 名词 (Noun) 1. 绣花的衣服 ([En.] embroidered clothing) (Embroidered clothing.) 引 1. 《史记》:富贵不归故乡,如衣绣之夜行,谁知之者? (From "Records of the Grand Historian": "Riches and honor should not return home, like wearing embroidered garments in the night, who knows of it?") 例 又如:绣文(彩色绣花的丝织品或衣服);绣衣、绣服(用彩线刺绣的丝绸衣服);绣裳(绣衣)。 (For example: embroidered fabric (silk products or clothing with colorful embroidery); embroidered garments (silk clothes stitched with colored threads); embroidered skirt (embroidered clothing).) 2. 绣花的物品 ([En.] embroidered article) (Embroidered article.) 引 1. 《史记·匈奴列传》:绣十匹,锦三十匹。 (From "Records of the Grand Historian - Xiongnu": "Ten pieces of embroidery, thirty pieces of brocade.") 3. 如:湘绣;苏绣 (For example: Hunan embroidery; Suzhou embroidery.) 【形】 (Adjective) 1. 绘饰华美的 ([En.] rich and bright colors) (Decorated with rich and bright colors.) 引 1. 《礼记·月令》:文绣有常。 (From "Book of Rites": "The embroidered patterns are constant.") 2. 《诗·秦风·终南》:黼衣绣裳。 (From "Book of Songs": "Embroidered robe and decorated skirt.") 例 又如:绣毬(用五色丝绸扎成的球状物);绣错(色彩错杂如绣)。 (For example: embroidered ball (a sphere made of five-colored silk); embroidered confusion (colors mixed like embroidery).) 2. 华丽,精致如绣 ([En.] gorgeous) (Gorgeous, delicate like embroidery.) 引 1. 杜甫《草堂诗笺》:绣羽衔花他自得,红颜骑行我无缘。 (From Du Fu's "Poems of the Cottag": "He enjoys the embroidered wings holding flowers, while I have no destiny with a rosy face riding.") 2. 柳宗元《乞巧文》:骈四俪六,锦心绣口。 (From Liu Zongyuan's "Qiqiao Wen": "Four pairs and six pairs, with a brocade heart and embroidered lips.") 例 又如:绣口锦心(形容辞句华丽、文思优美);绣阁琼楼(精美秀丽的楼舍);绣闼(雕绘华美的宫中小门);绣草(沿阶草)。 (For example: embroidered lips and brocade heart (to describe ornate language and beautiful thoughts); embroidered pavilion with exquisite buildings; embroidered door (gorgeous small doors in palaces); embroidered grass (grass alongside steps).)
to embroider / embroidery
a pillow with an embroidered case
to embroider / to do embroidery
embroidered shoes
embroidery needle
a ball made of strips of silk / big-leaf hydrangea
tapestry portrait / embroidered portrait / exquisitely drawn portrait / fine-lined pen portrait
Splendid Land
Embroidered shoes
a young girl's bedroom
Splendid Jiangshan
bright future / bright prospects
embroidered garment
woolen needlepoint tapestry / woolen embroidery
coloured embroidery
flowery of fist with fancy footwork (idiom) / highly embellished and ineffectual / fancy but impractical skills / all show and no go / pugilistic wankery
Input Method for 绣
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters