照 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 照
Stroke Order Diagrams for 照
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 照
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Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "照", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "照", and master the standard way of writing the character "照".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 照
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "照" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "照" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Information of 照
13 strokes
according to / in accordance with / to shine / to illuminate / to reflect / photograph
照 (zhào)1. 光线射在物体上:Sunlight shines on objects.2. 对着镜子或其他反光的东西看自己或其他人物的影像:Look at oneself or others' reflections in a mirror or other reflective surfaces.3. 摄影:Photography.4. 画像或相片:Portrait or photograph.5. 看顾:Take care of.6. 按着,依着:Based on; according to.7. 凭证:Proof; certificate.8. 知晓:Understand; know.9. 通知,通告:Notify; announce.10. 对着,向着:Towards; facing.11. 查对:Check; verify.照 (zhào)1. 光线射在物体上:日~。~耀。~射。Sunshine. Shine. Shine bright.2. 对着镜子或其他反光的东西看自己或其他人物的影像:~镜子。Look in the mirror.3. 摄影:~相。拍~。Take a photo. Shoot a picture.4. 画像或相片:小~。写~。Small portrait. Draw a picture.5. 看顾:~管。~顾。Take care. Look after.6. 按着,依着:依~。遵~。~搬。~本宣科。According to.7. 凭证:护~。牌~。执~。License. Card of proof. Hold a certificate.8. 知晓:心~不宣。肝胆相~。Know each other well.9. 通知,通告:知~。~会。Inform. Notify.10. 对着,向着:~壁。~敌人开枪。Face the wall. Aim at the enemies.11. 查对:对~。查~。Check against. Verify.照 (zhào)- 炤 zhào- [形] [Adjective]- 【本义】: 明亮;光明:The original meaning is bright; light.- 【造字法】: 形声。从火,昭声,字亦作炤:The character form combines radical 'fire' and phonetic 'zhāo', also written as 炤.- 【引】: 1. 《说文》:照,明也。 2. 《诗·小雅·正月》:亦孔之炤。 3. 《诗·陈风·月出》:月出照兮。 4. 《庄子》:昔者十日并出,万物皆照。 5. 《郯令景君阙铭》:远近照闻。 6. 《谯敏碑》:盛德炤明。 7. 《荀子·修身》:炤之以祸灾。照 (zhào)- [动] [Verb]- 【引】: 1. 照射,照耀:Shine; illuminate. 2. 映照;反射影像:Reflect. 3. 照顾;照料:Take care of. 4. 拍摄:Take (a picture). 5. 察知;明白:Understand. 6. 通“昭”。显示:Show.照 (zhào)- [名] [Noun]- 1. 日光:Sunlight.- 2. 图像;相片:Photograph.- 3. 凭据;证明:License.照 (zhào)- [介] [Preposition]- 1. 表示方向,可加助词“着”,相当于“对”、“向”:Indicating direction; can add the particle "着," equivalent to "to" or "towards."- 2. 按,依:According to certain standards.- 3. 表示比较,相当于“比”:Indicating comparison, equivalent to "than."
to consult a reference / to refer to (another document)
glow of the setting sun
to shine on / to light up / to irradiate
snapshot / photo
according to / in accordance with / in the light of / on the basis of
business license / trading certificate
to copy word for word
look after / care for / attend to
to take a picture
to copy / to imitate
certificate / license
to tend / to take care of sb
as before / as in the past
to shine upon / to reflect
to shine / to illuminate
as before / (same) as usual / in the same manner / still / nevertheless
illuminate / light up
as a rule / as usual / usually
according to / in light of
to imitate
photograph / picture / CL:張|张[zhang1],套[tao4],幅[fu2]
to take care of / to show consideration / to attend to / to look after
lighting / illumination
to shine / to illuminate
to contrast / to compare / to place side by side for comparison (as parallel texts) / to check
in accordance with / to follow (the rules)
to take a photograph
(business) licence / vehicle licence / car registration / licence plate
Input Method for 照
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters