醲 stroke order

醲 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 醲 Stroke Order Diagrams for 醲 Information of 醲 PinyinnngRadical酉Strokes20 strokesUsage★★Definition 醲 (nng)1. A strong-flavored wine.2. An ancient term synonymous with "浓" (nng, meaning dense or thick).3. T...

醲 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 醲

醲 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 醲

醲 Stroke Order Diagrams

Information of 醲




20 strokes




醲 (nóng)1. A strong-flavored wine.2. An ancient term synonymous with "浓" (nóng, meaning dense or thick).3. To ferment or mature.4. To cultivate or inspire (in a figurative sense).5. An ancient term referring to "脓" (nóng, meaning pus), fatty meat, or fat.Detailed meanings:1. A strong-flavored wine: "肥~甘脆,非不美也。" (Fatty and strong flavored, not unpleasing.)2. An ancient term synonymous with "浓": "雾~而蚁不能游也。" (The fog is thick, and the ants cannot wander.)3. To ferment: "谁是升平~酿久,已将寰海变蓬瀛。" (Who is, through peaceful times, brewing for long, has transformed the ocean into a vast wonderland.)4. To cultivate: "尧~舜薰。" (Yao and Shun inspire each other.)5. An ancient term referring to "pus," fatty meat, or fat: "勿多食肥~。" (Do not consume too much fatty meat.)Additional notes: - 濃 (nóng) means thick, dense, or strong.- Examples of usage include: 醲醅 (thick wine, fine wine), 醲醖 (thick wine, good wine), 醲醑 (thick wine, good wine), 醲醴 (fine wine), 醲郁 (rich and flavorful), 醲厚 (thick and dense).

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  • 醲 stroke order

    醲 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 醲 Stroke Order Diagrams for 醲 Information of 醲 PinyinnngRadical酉Strokes20 strokesUsage★★Definition 醲 (nng)1. A strong-flavored wine.2. An ancient term synonymous with "浓" (nng, meaning dense or thick).3. T

    2025-01-21 10:20:01
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