编 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 编
Stroke Order Diagrams for 编
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 编
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Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 编
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "编" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "编" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Information of 编
12 strokes
weave / plait / organize / group / arrange / edit / compile / write / compose / fabricate
编 biān 1. 用细条或带形的东西交叉组织起来:用细条或带形的东西进行交错组织。 (To weave or plait with thin strips or belt-shaped materials.)2. 按一定的原则、规则或次序来组织或排列:按照特定的原则、规则或顺序进行组织或排列。 (To organize or arrange according to specific principles, rules, or sequences.)3. 把材料加以适当的组织排列而成为书籍、报刊、广播电视节目等:把材料适当地组织排列成书籍、报刊、广播和电视节目等。 (To appropriately organize and arrange materials into books, newspapers, radio and television programs, etc.)4. 创作:进行创作。 (To create.)5. 捏造:进行虚构或捏造。 (To fabricate.)6. 成本的书按内容划分的部分:书籍按内容划分的部分。 (Parts of a book divided by content.)编 biān 1. 用细条或带形的东西交叉组织起来:如编结、编织、编扎。 (To organize with thin strips or belt-shaped objects: e.g., tying, weaving, binding.)2. 按一定的原则、规则或次序来组织或排列:如编排、编目(编制目录或指已编成的目录)、编次、编年、编订、编配、编码。 (To organize or arrange according to specific principles, rules, or sequences: e.g., formatting, cataloging.)3. 把材料加以适当的组织排列而成为书籍、报刊、广播电视节目等:如编写、编译、编审、编修、编纂、编印。 (To organize and arrange materials into books, newspapers, radio and television programs: e.g., to write, translate, review, edit, compile, and print.)4. 创作:如编剧、编导。 (To create: e.g., screenwriting, directing.)5. 捏造:如编瞎话。 (To fabricate: e.g., to make up a story.)6. 成本的书按内容划分的部分:如正编、续编、简编。 (Parts of a book divided by content: e.g., main volume, sequel, abbreviated edition.)编 biān 〈动〉 - 【本义】: 顺次排列,编结在一起。(Original meaning: to arrange in order, interweaving together.)- 【造字法】: 形声。从糸,扁声。(Character formation: phonetic compound, consisting of the component for silk.)1. 同本义 (To put in order). 2. 交织,编结 (To weave; plait). 3. 编辑; 创作 (To compile; write). 4. 连接 (To connect). 5. 虚构,捏造 (To make up). 编 biān 〈名〉 1. 用来穿联竹简的绳子 (Cord). 2. 书籍 (Book). 3. 一部著作的一部分 (Part of a book; volume). 4. 姓,汉代有编盲意。 (A surname; there was a character called "Bian Mang Yi" in the Han Dynasty.)
to number / numbering / serial number
to compile and print / to publish
to write a play / scenario / dramatist / screenwriter
to establish (a unit or department) / staffing structure (excluding temporary and casual staff)
to expand (esp. by new recruitment) / to increase the army / to augment
editor's commentary
to arrange / to lay out
to compile
extract and compile
to compile / to edit
to adapt / to rearrange / to revise
to compile and edit
to compile / collection / compilation
assembly language
to code / to encode / code
postal code / zip code
to compile
to edit / to compile / editor / compiler
to organize into groups / marshalling
to weave / to knit / to plait / to braid / (fig.) to create (sth abstract, e.g. a dream, a lie etc)
sequel / continuation (of a serial publication)
editor in chief
to organize / to put together / to edit
compiler / redactor / bookmaker
to form into columns / to organize into teams / formation (of ships or aircraft)
set of bells (old Chinese music instrument)
Input Method for 编
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters