晚 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 晚
Stroke Order Diagrams for 晚
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 晚
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Information of 晚
11 strokes
evening / night / late
晚 [wǎn]1. 太阳落了的时候。 [En.] The time when the sun sets. 2. 一个时期的后段,在一定时间以后。 [En.] The later part of a period, after a certain time. 3. 后来的。 [En.] Later; subsequent. 4. 姓。 [En.] A surname. 1. 太阳落了的时候:~景。~霞。~会。~报。 [En.] The time when the sun sets: evening scenery, evening glow, evening gathering, evening news. 2. 一个时期的后段,在一定时间以后:来~了。~年。~期。~节。~婚。 [En.] The later part of a period, after a certain time: it has come late, late years, late stages, late festivals, late marriage. 3. 后来的:~生(旧时文人对前辈的自谦)。~辈。 [En.] Later: "wan sheng" (an old term used by scholars to show humility towards their predecessors), later generations. 4. 姓。 [En.] A surname. 【本义】:傍晚;黄昏 [En.] Original meaning: dusk; twilight. 1. 同本义 ([En.] evening). 1. 迟,在规定的、通常的或恰当的时间以后来的或做的 ([En.] late). 2. 衰;老 ([En.] old). 1. 同本义 ([En.] evening). 引例: 《说文》:晚,莫也。 [En.] "Shuo Wen": Wan, it is late. 引例: 《广韵》:晚,暮也。 [En.] "Guang Yun": Wan, it is evening. 引例: 《汉书·李寻传》:四时失序,则辰星作异。…政急则出蚤,政缓则出晚。 [En.] "Han Shu": If the seasons are out of order, then the stars will be abnormal... if the urgency of governance is high, actions come early, if low, actions come late. 1. 夜晚 ([En.] night). 引例: 庾信《对烛赋》:晚星没。 [En.] "Yu Xin": The evening star disappears. 2. 晚年 ([En.] old age; one’s later years). 引例: 温庭筠《塞寒行》:晚出榆关逐北征,惊沙飞迸冲貂袍。 [En.] "Wen Tingyun": Late leaving Yuguan to pursue the northern expedition, startled by the flying sand as it rushes against my sable robe. 3. 秋季 ([En.] autumn). 例: 如:晚菘(秋末冬初的大白菜);晚造(秋季作物);晚果(秋天成熟的果实);晚热(秋天的炎热) [En.] Example: Late cabbage, autumn crops, late summer fruits, heat of autumn. 4. 旧时官场后辈对前辈、下级对上级称晚生,简言曰晚。多用于书信 ([En.] pupil, often self-reference in writing or speaking to a teacher). 引例: 《儒林外史》:恕治晚不能躬送了。 [En.] "Rulin Waishi": I am sorry for being late in sending this. 5. 时间靠后。属于或关于时间上或发展上的后期阶段的 ([En.] late; far on in time). 引例: 宋·李清照《如梦令》:兴尽晚归舟。 [En.] "Li Qingzhao": The boat returns late after the excitement has ended. 1. 迟,在规定的、通常的或恰当的时间以后来的或做的 ([En.] late). 引例: 大器晚成。——《老子》四十一章 [En.] "Great vessels take time to develop." — "Dao De Jing", Chapter 41. 2. 衰;老 ([En.] old). 例: 晚叶(晚年;老叶);晚谬(年老昏愦);晚暮(年老) [En.] Example: Late leaves (old age), late errors (senility), late dusk (old age).
late Tang Dynasty
night / CL:個|个[ge4]
banquet / dinner party / soiree
It is now too late to repent. / Repentance is too late. / be too late to regret / It's no use regretting now. / repent too late
morning and evening / sooner or later
yesterday evening / last night
later period / end stage / terminal
evening party / CL:個|个[ge4]
one's later years
evening meal / dinner / supper / CL:份[fen4],頓|顿[dun4],次[ci4],餐[can1]
the late Qing / late 19th and early 20th century China
the same evening
the younger generation / those who come after
all day long / the whole day
evening newspaper / (in a newspaper's name) Evening News
evening / night
evening meal / dinner / CL:份[fen4],頓|顿[dun4],次[ci4]
I (self-deprecatory, in front of elders) (old)
that night
enjoy one's old age in peace / live happily during old age
in the evening / when night falls / towards evening / at night fall / at dusk
late rice / second rice
evening / night / CL:個|个[ge4] / in the evening
sunset glow / sunset clouds / afterglow
Input Method for 晚
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters