甗 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 甗
Stroke Order Diagrams for 甗
Information of 甗
20 strokes
甗 [yǎn] 1. Ancient cooking utensil used for steaming and boiling, consisting of two layers with a grid in the middle, made of clay or bronze. (古代蒸煮用的炊具,上下两层,中间有箅子,陶制或青铜制。)2. A mountain shaped like a "zeng" with a larger upper part and a smaller lower part. (上大下小形状像甑的山。)3. An ancient geographical name, near present-day Jinan City in Shandong Province, China. (古地名,今中国山东省济南市附近。)【本义】: 古代炊器。下部是鬲,上部是透底的甑,上下部之间隔一层有孔的箅。 (Original meaning: Ancient cooking utensil. The lower part is a "ge", and the upper part is a perforated "zeng", with a layer containing holes in between.) 【造字法】: 形声。从瓦。 (Character composition: A phonetic character combining the component for "tile".)【引】 1. "Kun yan yan, shan sheng yan." – From the "Book of Han, Tables of Officials". Yan Shigu explains: "Shan sheng yan refers to a mountain shape like a zeng." (昆甗研,善升甗。——《汉书·百官表》注。颜师古云:“善升甗者,谓山形如甑。”)
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