锦 Stroke Order
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Information of 锦
13 strokes
brocade / embroidered work / bright
锦 jǐn1. 有彩色花纹的丝织品。 Brocade: A silk fabric with colorful patterns.2. 鲜明美丽。 Bright and beautiful.1. 有彩色花纹的丝织品:~旗。~屏。~标。~绣(精美鲜艳的纺织品,喻美丽或美好,如“~~山河”、“~~前程)”。~上添花。 A silk fabric with colorful patterns: brocade flag, brocade screen, brocade mark, brocade embroidery (beautiful and vibrant textiles, metaphorically signifies beauty or goodness, e.g., "brocade mountain rivers," "brocade future"). To embellish with additional beauty.2. 鲜明美丽:~霞。~缎。~笺。~鸡(鸟,形状和雉相似,雄的头上有金色的冠毛,颈橙黄色,背暗绿色,杂有紫色,尾长,雌的羽毛暗褐色。饲养供玩赏)。 Bright and beautiful: brocade clouds, brocade satin, brocade paper, brocade chicken (a bird resembling a pheasant, with a male having a golden crown, orange-yellow neck, dark green back with purple spots, and long tail; the female's feathers are dark brown, raised for ornamental purposes).锦 jǐn 名 (noun) 【本义】: 有彩色花纹的丝织品 Original meaning: A silk fabric with colorful patterns.【造字法】: 形声。从帛,金声。 Character formation: A phono-semantic compound; contains the component of silk (帛) and the sound (金).1. 同本义 [En.] brocade Same as the original meaning: brocade.2. 古指锦袍 [En.] brocade gown. In ancient times, referred to brocade gowns.3. 旧时书信中的敬词 [En.] your. A respectful term used in old letters: your.锦 jǐn 形 (adjective)1. 比喻鲜艳华美的 [En.] bright and beautiful Metaphorically signifies bright and beautiful.2. 在锦上绣花的 [En.] embroidered on brocade. Referring to something embroidered on brocade.锦 jǐn 名 (noun) 【本义】: 有彩色花纹的丝织品 Original meaning: A silk fabric with colorful patterns.【引】 1 《说文》:锦,襄邑织文。朱骏声按,染丝织成文章也。汉襄邑县贡织文。 From "Shuowen Jiezi": Brocade, woven textile from Xiangyi, dyed silk woven into patterns. A tribute textile from Han's Xiangyi County.2 《仪礼·聘礼》:皆奉玉锦束请觌。注: “玉锦,锦之文纤缛者也。” From "Yili · Qingli": All offerings of jade brocade presented for the meeting. Note: "Jade brocade refers to finely patterned brocade."3 《礼记·中庸》:衣锦尚絅。 From "Liji · Zhongyong": Wearing brocade leverages its beauty.4 《诗·秦风·终南》:锦衣狐裘。 From "Shijing · Qin Feng · Zhongnan": Brocade clothing and fox fur.【例】 又如: 锦囊(锦制的袋子); 锦衾(锦制的大被); 锦帆(锦制的帆); 锦覆(以织锦遮掩羞丑,喻作美言庇护) For example: brocade bag, brocade quilt, brocade sail, brocade cover (to cover shame and ugliness with brocade, metaphorically representing beautifying words as protection).2. 古指锦袍 [En.] brocade gown。 In ancient times, referred to brocade gowns.【例】 如: 锦襕衣(华美的袈裟); 锦衣纨绔(指华美服装,也指豪华生活) For example: brocade cassock (a luxurious robe); brocade clothing and extravagance (referring to luxurious clothing and lifestyle).3. 旧时书信中的敬词 [En.] your。 A respectful term used in old letters: your.【例】 如: 锦念; 锦注(书信用语。敬称对方的关注。也称锦念); 锦郎(书轴的别名); 锦素(书信) For example: brocade thoughts, brocade annotations (terms of respect in letters, about the recipient's concerns, also called brocade thoughts), brocade gentleman (another name for a scroll), brocade letter (letter).锦 jǐn 形 (adjective)1. 比喻鲜艳华美的 [En.] bright and beautiful Metaphorically signifies bright and beautiful.【引】 1 范仲淹《岳阳楼记》:沙鸥翔集,锦鳞游泳。 From Fan Zhongyan's "Yueyang Tower": Sand gulls gathering and brocade scales swimming.【例】 又如: 锦文(鲜明华丽的花纹); 锦石(有色彩花纹的石头); 锦瑟(装饰华丽的瑟); 锦币(鲜丽的彩帛) For example: brocade pattern (vivid and gorgeous patterns), brocade stone (colored patterned stone), brocade zither (ornately decorated zither), brocade fabric (brightly colored silk).2. 在锦上绣花的 [En.] embroidered on brocade。 Referring to something embroidered on brocade.【例】 如: 锦字 For example: brocade characters (characters embroidered on brocade).
silk brocade bag, used in ancient times to hold poetry manuscripts and other precious items / (fig.) tip (a piece of practical advice)
secret service of the Ming Dynasty / The Imperial Guards(电影名)
Jinzhou prefecture-level city in Liaoning province 遼寧省|辽宁省 in northeast China
silk banner (as an award or a gift)
championship contest / championships
Liu Jintang
lit. on brocade, add flowers (idiom); to decorate sth already perfect / gilding the lily
brocade box / samite box
brightly colored decorations (idiom) / splendid
Splendid Land
Splendid Jiangshan
bright future / bright prospects
tapestry satin / damask flower / brocade
common mallow (Malva sinesis), used in TCM
brocade from Sichuan
Jinjiang district of Chengdu city 成都市[Cheng2 du1 shi4], Sichuan
Jin Yi
brocade / silk fabric with colored pattern
brocade garments, jade meals (idiom); a life of luxury / extravagance
best of the best / collection of the best (of sth)
golden pheasant
flowers blooming like a piece of brocade / a flourishing scene of prosperity / carpet of flowers / intellectual and artistic efflorescence
to come back to one's hometown in silken robes (idiom); to return in glory
Input Method for 锦
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters