攸 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 攸
Stroke Order Diagrams for 攸
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 攸
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Information of 攸
7 strokes
distant, far / adverbial prefix
攸 [yōu]形1. 所:性命攸关。 Place: Life and death are at stake.2. 疾走的样子:攸然而逝。 Quick running: Moving swiftly and then disappearing.3. 水流的样子:河水攸攸。 Water's appearance: The river water flows smoothly.4. 文言语助词,无义:“四方攸同”。 Classical Chinese particle, without meaning: "The four directions are the same."本义: 水流的样子 Basic meaning: The appearance of flowing water.造字法: 会意。从攴( pū),从人水省。表示人扶杖走水路。 Character formation: Compound ideogram. It consists of the radicals for 'to strike' (攴) and 'human water' which indicates a person walking along a waterway with a staff.用法:1. 同本义 ([En.] flowing) Same as the basic meaning: flowing.引:1. 《说文》:攸,行水也,从攴,从人,水省。 段玉裁注:“水之安行为攸。” From the "Shuowen": "Yōu denotes flowing water, composed of 徒 and 人 with a water abbreviation. A note by Duan Yucai: 'The tranquil movement of water is what defines yōu.'"2. 水行攸攸也。——《六书故》引唐本说文 Flowing water is yōu yōu. -- From "Liu Shu Gu", quoting "Shuowen".2. 安闲 ([En.] leisurely) Leisurely.引:1. 《汉书·叙传》:主人攸尔而笑曰。 From the "Book of Han": The host smiled leisurely.例: 又如: 攸游(安闲从容,自得其乐的样子); 攸乐(闲适安乐); 攸心(心性弛放) For example: Yōu yóu (leisurely and content); Yōu lè (relaxed and blissful); Yōu xīn (relaxed temperament).3. 长远 ([En.] long-term) Long-term.引:1. 汉《冀州从事张表碑》:令德攸兮宣重光。 From the "Stele of Zhang Biao": De will long shine.2. 《司农刘夫人碑》:极攸远索。 From the "Stele of Lady Liu": Extend to far-reaching aims.例: 又如: 攸长(长远); 攸隔(远隔); 攸远(遥远,辽远) For example: Yōu zhǎng (long-term); Yōu gé (distant); Yōu yuǎn (far away).4. 迅疾 ([En.] fast) Fast.引:1. 《孟子·万章上》:攸然而失。 From "Mencius": Fast and then lost.例: 又如: 攸然(迅疾的样子); 攸攸(迅疾的样子; 急速的样子) For example: Yōu rán (swift appearance); Yōu yōu (swift and rapid).名1. 放在动词之前,构成名词性词组,相当于“所” ([En.] place) Placed before a verb to form a noun phrase equivalent to "place".引:1. 《尔雅》:攸,所也。 From "Erya": Yōu denotes a place.2. 《易·坤》:君子有攸往。 From "I Ching, Kun": A gentleman has a place to go.3. 《书·多方》:乃尔攸闻。 From "Book of Documents": Thus it is that you shall hear.4. 《诗·大雅·皇矣》:攸馘安安。 From "Shijing, Daya, Huangyi": yōu guó ān ān.5. 《左传·昭公二十六年》:未有攸底。 From "Zuo Zhuan": There was no place for it.2. 攸县 ([En.] You county),汉置。故治在今湖南攸县东 You County, established during the Han Dynasty. The seat was located east of present-day You County in Hunan.
You county in Zhuzhou 株洲, Hunan
matter of life and death
of great concern
Input Method for 攸
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters