力 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 力
Stroke Order Diagrams for 力
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 力
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Information of 力
2 strokes
power / force / strength
力 (lì) 名词 (noun) 1. 人和动物筋肉的效能。 (The effectiveness of human and animal muscles.) - 例如: ~气 (muscular strength),~量 (capacity). 2. 一切事物的效能。 (The effectiveness of all things.) - 例如: 视~ (viewing power),生产~ (production efficiency),控制~ (control power). 3. 物理学上指物体之间相互作用,引起运动加速或形变。 (In physics, refers to the interaction between objects causing acceleration or deformation.) - 例如: ~学 (the study of forces),作用~ (acting force),保守~ (conservative force). 4. 用极大的力量。 (To use great power.) - 例如: 尽~ (do with all one's power),~挫 (to suffer a setback with great force),~挽狂澜 (to exert great effort to turn the tide). 5. 姓。 (A surname.) 力 (lì) 动词 (verb) 1. 勤;致力,努力;从事于。 (To engage; to strive, to work on.) 2. 役使。 (To use; to employ.) 力 (lì) 副词 (adverb) 1. 尽力,竭力 (to do all one can; to try one's best). 引文和例句: - 力,筋也。像人筋之形。(From the Shuowen Jiezi: force is muscle; it resembles the shape of human muscles.) - 吾力足以举百钧,而不足以举一羽。(From Mencius: I have enough strength to lift a hundred pounds but not enough to lift a single feather.) - 士人以其力,效忠于国。(Scholars serve their country with their strength.) 其他含义: 1. 同本义 (same original meaning) - effort; physical strength. 2. 力量 (force; power; strength). 3. 能力 (ability; capability). 4. 威力;权势 (power; might; influence). 5. 物质之间的相互作用 (interaction between materials). 6. 劳役;仆役 (forced labor; servitude). 7. 功劳 (merit). 8. 兵士 (soldier). 9. 姓 (surname).
hearing / listening ability
attractive force (such as gravitation) / sex appeal / attractiveness
as easy as blowing off dust / effortless / with ease
to have the power to rally supporters
appeal / attraction / charisma
to entail strenuous effort / to toil at a task / strenuous / laborious / strain
influence / impact
to shout oneself hoarse (idiom)
to try hard to / to strive to
evenly matched (idiom)
collapsing force / destructive power
gravity dam
young and vigorous (idiom)
to do everything one can / to spare no effort / to strive
might / formidable power
to work with a common purpose (idiom); to make concerted efforts / to pull together / to work as one
to unite in common effort
to really put out energy for
labor / able-bodied worker / laborer / work force
to strive / to make an effort / to exert oneself
to work with a common purpose (idiom); to make concerted efforts / to pull together / to work as one
to strive one's hardest / to spare no effort
to spare no effort (idiom); to do one's utmost
Chongqing Lifan
gravitation (force) / attraction
surplus labor / manpower surplus
power / force / strength
Input Method for 力
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters