尉 Stroke Order
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 尉
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 尉
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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "尉" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Information of 尉
Pinyinwèi、 yù、 yùn
11 strokes
(surname) / milit. official / to quiet
尉 [wèi] 名词 1. 古代官名,一般是武官。 Ancient official title, generally a military officer.2. 军衔的一级,在校以下。 A military rank (above the rank of warrant officer and below that of major). 3. 〔~氏〕地名,在中国河南省。 A place name, located in Henan Province, China.4. 姓。 A surname.本义: 烫平衣服的火斗,熨斗 Original meaning: A flatiron used for pressing clothes.造字法: 会意。“尉”是“熨”的古字。表示用火熨烫缯布使之平展。 Character formation: A pictophonetic character. "尉" is an ancient form of "熨". It signifies using fire to press fabric flat. 引: 1. 《说文》:尉,从上按下也。…持火以尉申缯也。 (From "Shuowen"): 尉, pressing down from above...holding fire to press silk. 2. 《通俗文》:火斗曰熨。 (From "Tong Su Wen"): The flatiron is called 熨.例: 又如: 尉斗 (a flatiron used to press clothes with heat). For example: 尉斗 (a flatiron).军衔名: 军衔名,分上尉、中尉、少尉,位于士之上,校之下。 Military rank name: Divided into upper lieutenant, middle lieutenant, and junior lieutenant, ranking above soldiers and below majors.官名: 县官的副职。 Official title: Vice-county magistrate.引: 1. 宋· 苏轼《石钟山记》:赴饶之德兴尉。 (Song period): “De Xing Wei of Rao”. 2. 清· 周容《芋老人传》:丞尉闻之。 (Qing period): “The deputy heard this.” 3. 清· 邵长蘅《青门剩稿》:陈明选代为尉。 (Qing period): “Chen Mingxuan was appointed as a deputy.” 4. 新尉陈明选。 (New deputy: Chen Mingxuan).动词 1. “慰”的本字。安慰。 The original form of "慰". To comfort.引: 1. 《后汉书·王丹传》:所过并使劳尉。 (From "Book of the Later Han"): “Over there made people weary.” 2. 《汉书·胡建传》:所以尉荐走卒。 (From "Book of Han"): “To comfort and recommend quick-footed runners.” 例: 又如: 尉安 (to comfort); 尉承 (to receive comfort); 尉悦 (to feel relieved). For example: 尉安 (to comfort); 尉悦 (to feel comforted).尉 [yù] 名词 1. 姓。 A surname.2. 另见 wèi。 See also: wèi.引: 1. 《广韵》:尉,姓。古有尉缭子著书。 (From "Guang Yun"): 尉, a surname. There was an author named 尉缭子 in ancient times.2. 另见 wèi。 See also: wèi.
Lieutenant Touch
lieutenant (navy) / first lieutenant (army) / subaltern
captain (military rank)
military officer
second lieutenant (army rank)
Commandant of Justice in imperial China, one of the Nine Ministers 九卿[jiu3 qing1]
an official just below the head of the county
captain (army rank) / senior captain
warrant officer
Lopnur nahiyisi or Yuli county in Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang 巴音郭楞蒙古自治州[Ba1 yin1 guo1 leng2 Meng3 gu3 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang
Input Method for 尉
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters