覺 Stroke Order
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Information of 覺
Pinyinjué、 jiào
20 strokes
a nap / a sleep, feel / find that / thinking / awake / aware
覺 jué [动] 1. 领悟,明白。 (To understand, to grasp.) 《説文•見部》:“覺,悟也。” (Shuowen Jiezi: "Jue means to understand.") 2. 告知,启发;使人觉悟。 (To inform, to enlighten; to awaken someone.) 《説文•見部》:“覺,发也。” (Shuowen Jiezi: "Jue means to awaken.") 3. 感知,意识到。 (To perceive, to become aware of.) 不知不觉。 (Unknowingly, subconsciously.) 清徐灝《説文解字注箋•見部》:“覺,又為凡知覺之偁。” (Qing Xuhao’s commentary on Shuowen Jiezi: "Jue also refers to all forms of perception.") 4. 察知;发觉。 (To be aware of; to discover.) 《論語•憲問》:“不逆詐,不億不信,抑亦先覺者,是賢乎?” (Analects: "To neither deceive nor be deceived, but to be the first to understand – is that wise?") 5. 表明。 (To indicate.) 唐慧琳《一切經音義》卷四十五引《考聲》:“覺,明也。” (Tang Huilin: "Jue means to be clear.") 6. 高大;正直。 (Tall; upright.) 《詩•大雅•斯干》:“殖殖其庭,有覺其楹。” (Poetry: "Thick and tall are the eaves of its court.") 7. 賢智者之稱。 (A term for a wise person.) 《尚書大傳•湯誓》:“覺兮較兮,吾大命格兮,去不善而就善,何不樂兮!” (Book of Documents: "Worthy and wise, I have a great destiny, moving from bad to good, why not rejoice?") 8. 距離。 (Distance.) 《世說新語•捷悟》:“我才不及卿,乃覺三十里。” (Sequel to the Tale of the World: "I am not as capable as you, but I feel thirty miles apart.") 9. 星名。 (Name of a star.) 《晋書•天文志中》:“三曰天棓,一名覺星。” (Records of the Jin: "The third is called Tianbang, also known as Jue star.") 覺 jué [名] 1. 感觉器官。 (Sense organ.) 2. 賢智者之稱。 (A term for a sage.) 3. 另見 jiào。 (See also: jiào.) 覺 jiào [动] 1. 睡醒。 (To wake up.) 2. 通“挍”、“校”。比较,较量。 (To compare, to contest.) 覺 jiào [名] 1. 俗称睡眠为睡觉。 (Commonly refers to sleep as “sleeping.”) 2. 一次短的睡眠,打盹。 (A short sleep, a nap.) 覺 jiào [量] 1. 睡眠一次为一觉。 (One sleep as a unit.) 2. 另見 jué。 (See also: jué.) 覺 jiào [动] 1. 睡醒。 (To wake up.) 2. 通“挍”、“校”。比较,较量。 (To compare, to contest.) 覺 jiào [名] 1. 俗称睡眠为睡觉。 (Commonly refers to sleep as “sleeping.”) 2. 一次短的睡眠,打盹。 (A short sleep, a nap.) 覺 jiào [量] 1. 睡眠一次为一觉。 (One sleep as a unit.) 2. 另見 jué。 (See also: jué.)
Input Method for 覺
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters