純 Stroke Order
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Information of 純
10 strokes
pure / simple / unmixed / genuine
純純 chún1. Simple and undiluted. 精純。[En.] pure and simple. 2. Silk. 絲。[En.] silk. 3. Great. 大。[En.] great. 4. Moral virtue. 人品的美好。[En.] the goodness of character.1. Simple and undiluted: 純粹,純然,單純,純金,純銅,純正,純淨,純熟,純度。 [En.] pure, untainted, straightforward, pure gold, pure copper, pure and righteous, pure and clean, proficient, purity.2. Silk: "Confucius said: 'Silk cap is for ceremony; now it's pure, frugal, I'll follow the majority.'" [En.] "Silk."3. Great: 純嘏 (extreme fortune). [En.] great luck.4. Goodness of character: 純樸,純真,純厚,純篤,純潔,純稚。 [En.] simple, sincere, pure, steadfast, clean, innocent.純 chún名本义: 蠶絲[En.] Original meaning: silk from silkworms.造字法: 形聲。从糸( mì),屯聲。从「糸」,表示與線絲有關。[En.] Character formation: phonetic-meaning combined; associated with threads.1. Same original meaning. [En.] silk.引: 1《說文》: 純,絲也。[En.] "Shuowen": pure means silk. 2《儀禮·士冠禮》: 純衣。[En.] Rituals: pure clothing.3《法言·孝至》: 被我純繢。[En.] "Fayan": covered by pure silk.例: 又如:純衣(古時士的祭服,以絲為之)[En.] For example: pure clothing (ancient ceremonial dress made of silk).2. Silk of the same color. 引: 1《漢書·梅福傳》: 一色成體謂之醇,白黑雜合謂之駁。[En.] "Han Shu": a single color is referred to as pure; mixed colors as mottled. 純 chún形1. Pure and simple ([En.] simple; pure and simple). 引: 1 諸葛亮《出師表》: 侍中侍郎郭攸之、費瑋、董允等,此皆忠臣?志慮忠純。[En.] Zhuge Liang: "Those loyal ministers are pure in thought." 2 蔡元培《圖畫》: 不設色之畫,其感人也,純以形式及筆勢。[En.] Cai Yuanpei: "Colorless painting, its impact is purely through form and brushwork."例: 又如:純固(品行純粹堅定);純素(純粹而不雜;純樸);純德(純粹的德行);純儒(品行純粹的儒者)[En.] For example: pure integrity (solid character); plain and pure (unmixed); pure virtue; a Confucian with pure morals.2. Fine; good; sincere ([En.] fine; good; sincere). 引: 1 純,文也。純,好也。[En.] "Dialectically": pure means good. 2 《禮記·郊特牲》: 貴純之道也。[En.] "Book of Rites": values the way of purity.例: 又如:純臣(忠心耿耿事奉君主的大臣);純吏(忠純愛民的官吏);純渥(純樸篤厚)[En.] For example: sincere minister; a pure and people-loving official; simple and generous.3. Great ([En.] great). 引: 1《詩·周頌·維天之命》: 文王之德之純。[En.] "Shijing": the virtue of King Wen is pure.例: 又如:純嘏(大福);純國(大國);純德(大德)[En.] For example: great fortune; great nation; great virtue.4. Pure, unmixed ([En.] pure; unmixted). 例: 如:純水。[En.] For example: pure water.5. Skilled ([En.] skilled). 例: 如:工夫不純。[En.] For example: skill is not pure.6. Single-minded ([En.] single-minded). 引: 1《國語·周語》: 帥舊德,而守終純固。[En.] "Guoyu": to lead with old virtues, and to remain steadfastly pure.7. Simple ([En.] simple). 引: 1 《禮記·曲禮》: 冠衣不純素。[En.] "Book of Rites": caps and clothing should not be plain.例: 又如:純臣(忠純篤實之臣);純愨(純樸誠實)[En.] For example: simple-hearted minister; honest and straightforward.純 chún副1. All, indicating scope ([En.] all). 例: 如:純鋼(全鋼);純美(純真完美);純仁(至仁);純全(完全) [En.] For example: pure steel; pure and perfect; utmost benevolence; completely whole.2. Simply ([En.] simply). 例: 如:純用。[En.] For example: simply used.(*引自繁体辞典解释)動1. To decorate the edges of clothing and hats. "Han Feizi: Difficult II": "The guest is not good at trimming seams, but Xipeng is good at the edge decoration." "Shan Hai Jing: The candlelight is made from unburnt grass, which decorates the borders." 名1. The edge of clothing, shoes, hats, etc. "Rituals: Mourning rites": "Summer's hemp shoes, winter's white shoes, all with decorated seams."
Input Method for 純
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters