滃 stroke order

滃 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 滃 Stroke Order Diagrams for 滃 Information of 滃 Pinyinwng、 wngRadical氵Strokes13 strokesUsage★★Definition 滃 (wng)名词:1. 滃江 (Wengjiang River): a river name located in Guangdong, China.动词:1. 浓染: painted...

滃 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 滃

滃 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 滃

滃 Stroke Order Diagrams

Information of 滃

Pinyinwěng、 wēng



13 strokes




滃 (wēng)名词:1. 滃江 (Wengjiang River): a river name located in Guangdong, China.动词:1. 浓染: painted strongly. 例如: 难滃 (difficult to dye due to oiliness on paper).形容词:1. 云气腾涌的样子; 青烟弥漫的样子: cloudy. 例如: 滃然 (the appearance of clouds swirling and fog spreading); 滃渤 (the appearance of clouds steaming and fog surging); 滃滃 (the appearance of clouds swirling gently); 滃滃翳翳 (the appearance of clouds and smoke enveloping and creating a dim atmosphere); 滃溶 (the appearance of floating clouds); 滃郁 (clouds and smoke dispersed).2. 大水沸涌的样子: surging.3. 浓: strong. 例如: 滃染 (a Chinese painting technique that uses dilute ink to wet the paper with minimal visible brush strokes); 滃泱 (water spreading).

Same Pronunciation Characters

Same Radical Characters


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  • 滃 stroke order

    滃 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 滃 Stroke Order Diagrams for 滃 Information of 滃 Pinyinwng、 wngRadical氵Strokes13 strokesUsage★★Definition 滃 (wng)名词:1. 滃江 (Wengjiang River): a river name located in Guangdong, China.动词:1. 浓染: painted

    2025-01-23 22:20:01
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