磔 stroke order

磔 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 磔 Stroke Order Diagrams for 磔 Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 磔 Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "磔", learn the correct stroke order (笔...

磔 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 磔

磔 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 磔

磔 Stroke Order Diagrams

Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 磔

Standard stroke order for the Chinese character 磔

Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials

Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "磔", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "磔", and master the standard way of writing the character "磔".

Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 磔

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "磔" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)

Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 磔 in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)

Download Free Worksheet (PDF)

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "磔" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)

Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 磔 in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)

Download Free Worksheet (PDF)

Information of 磔




15 strokes




tearing off limbs as punishment

磔 [zhé]1. 古代分裂牲体以祭神。 Ancient practice of dismembering livestock to offer sacrifices to the gods. 2. 古代一种酷刑,把肢体分裂:~刑。 An ancient form of torture involving dismemberment: dismemberment punishment. 3. 汉字笔形之一,即“捺(nà)”。 One of the strokes in Chinese calligraphy, specifically the right-falling stroke (捺). ---磔 [zhé] (动) 1. 古代祭祀时分裂牲畜肢体 ([En.] dismember). To dismember livestock during ancient sacrificial rites. 引 1. 《说文》:磔,辜也。 从桀,石声。刳鸡胸、腹而张之,令其干枯不收。故从桀。 From "Shuowen": 否 (zhé), referring to dismembering; involves cutting chicken across the chest or abdomen and spreading it out to dry. 2. 《广雅》:磔,张也。 From "Guangya": (zhé) means to spread or display. 3. 《礼记·月令》:旁磔。 注:“攘也。” From "Liji": (zhé) means to draw back. 4. 《尔雅》:祭风曰磔。 李注:“以牲头蹄及皮破之以祭。” From "Erya": refers to offerings to the wind, using the head, hooves, and skin of animals. 5. 《礼记·月令》:[英:季春之月]九门磔攘。 孙希旦集解:“磔,磔裂牲体也。” From "Liji": in the month of early spring, refer to the offering process by dismembering livestock. 例 如:磔禳(磔攘。分裂牲体祭神以除不祥); 磔鸡(旧历正月初一杀鸡挂门外以除不祥)。又指古代的一种酷刑。以车分裂人体。 For example: - 磔禳 (dismembering the body in sacrifice to eliminate bad luck); - 磔鸡 (killing a chicken on the first day of the lunar calendar to ward off bad luck). It also refers to an ancient form of torture: being drawn and quartered. 引 1. 《荀子》:吴子胥不磔 姑苏东门外乎! 注:“车裂也。” From "Xunzi": Wu Zixu did not get dismembered outside the East Gate of Gusu; meaning being drawn and quartered. 例 如:磔裂(车裂人体;分割,割裂)。 For example: 磔裂 (being drawn and quartered; cutting and tearing). 还指五代时始置的一种凌迟酷刑,俗称“剐刑”。 Also refers to a form of cruel torture established in the Five Dynasties period known as "lingchi". 引 1. 《旧五代史》:李嗣源遣使部送 潞州叛将 杨立等到阙,并磔于市。 From "Old History of the Five Dynasties": Li Siyuan sent envoys to deliver the traitor Yang Li and others to the capital, and they were dismembered in the market. 例 如:磔诛(凌迟处死); 磔刑(割肉离骨,断肢体,再割断咽喉). For example: - 磔诛 (death by slow slicing); - 磔刑 (cutting meat from the bone, severing limbs, then slicing the throat). ---磔 [zhé] (名) 汉字书法之一,右下方的捺笔。 One of the strokes in Chinese calligraphy, specifically the right-falling stroke. 引 1. 《阅微草堂笔记》:刮视字棱,相其波磔,似是八分书耳。 From "Yuewei Cao Tang Notes": Scrape to view the edges of characters, resembling the right-falling stroke. ---磔 [zhé] (象) 鸟鸣声,同“吱吱”。 The sound of birds chirping, similar to "zhizhi". 引 1. 宋· 苏轼《石钟山记》:磔磔云霄间。 From "Records of Shizhong Mountain" by Su Shi: "Zhizhi echoing amidst the clouds."

Input Method for 磔








Four Corner




Same Pronunciation Characters


Same Radical Characters


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  • 磔 stroke order

    磔 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 磔 Stroke Order Diagrams for 磔 Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 磔 Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "磔", learn the correct stroke order (笔

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