朮 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 朮
Stroke Order Diagrams for 朮
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 朮
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Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 朮
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "朮" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "朮" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Information of 朮
Pinyinzhú、 shù、 shú
5 strokes
variant of 術|术[shu4] / variant of 術|术[zhu2]
朮: 1. Same as "秫" (referring to a type of grain). 2. Same as "术" (art, skill, method).3. Noun: A road commonly used in a city. For example, in "墨子·旗帜", it is mentioned that those who wish to travel along a designated road must have a gate guarded by two people, and without a trust token, they should not pass. In "文选·左思·咏史诗八首之四", it refers to the shade of carriages creating a lengthy street.4. Noun: Skill or technique. Example words include "武术" (martial arts), "美术" (fine arts), "技术" (technology). In a poem by 陶渊明 titled "咏荆轲", it laments the lack of skill in swordsmanship, as extraordinary accomplishments could not be achieved.5. Same as "术". It refers to herbaceous plants belonging to the Asteraceae family. It is a perennial herb with various types like 白朮 (white atractylodes) and 苍朮 (blue atractylodes).6. Noun: An ancient administrative region located in the suburbs. It is synonymous with "遂". In "礼记·学记", it mentions that ancient teachers had their own schools at home, associations had halls, there were orderly regulations, and the state had an academy.
Input Method for 朮
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters