晻 stroke order

晻 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 晻 Stroke Order Diagrams for 晻 Information of 晻 Pinyinn、 n、 ynRadical日Strokes12 strokesUsage★★Definition 晻 [n]1. Ancient form of "暗" (dark).2. Same as "暗": "Three lights are dim." (三光昏暗).3. Obscure;...

晻 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 晻

晻 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 晻

晻 Stroke Order Diagrams

Information of 晻

Pinyinàn、 ǎn、 yǎn



12 strokes




晻 [ǎn]1. Ancient form of "暗" (dark).2. Same as "暗": "Three lights are dim." (三光昏暗).3. Obscure; gloomy; dark.4. Flourishing; a state of prosperity.5. Variant readings: ǎn; yǎn (this character can also be read with these pronunciations).Definitions:1. Same as the original meaning:- Meaning in Chinese: 阴暗 ([En.] somewhat dark). - Example: "日光晻" (The sunlight is dim). 2. Rapid; sudden:- Example: "晻冉" (to fade quickly); "晻忽" (sudden, fast).3. Same as "暗":- Meaning in Chinese: 同“暗” ([En.] same as “dark”). 4. Obscure; gloomy; dark:- Example: "日晻晻其将暮" (The sun is dimming as it approaches dusk). 5. Flourishing:- Example: "晻暧" (a flourishing state); "晻郁" (a flourishing appearance).Alternate meanings:1. Dim or dark like the expression: "日晻而下颓" (The sun is dim and setting).2. Related references to the character's meanings in ancient texts showing its usage and context, illustrating its meanings of obscurity and suddenness.

Same Pronunciation Characters

Same Radical Characters


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  • 晻 stroke order

    晻 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 晻 Stroke Order Diagrams for 晻 Information of 晻 Pinyinn、 n、 ynRadical日Strokes12 strokesUsage★★Definition 晻 [n]1. Ancient form of "暗" (dark).2. Same as "暗": "Three lights are dim." (三光昏暗).3. Obscure;

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