跑 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 跑
Stroke Order Diagrams for 跑
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 跑
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Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 跑
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "跑" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "跑" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)

Information of 跑
Pinyinpǎo、 páo
12 strokes
to run / to escape
跑 [pǎo] 1. To rush; to leap forward quickly with alternating legs. 奔,两脚交互向前迅速跃进。 2. To move quickly. 很快地移动。 3. To escape. 逃。 4. To leak. 漏泄。 5. To run about for a certain matter. 为某种事物奔走。 - Example Uses: - 跑步 (running) - 奔跑 (to run quickly) - 赛跑 (race) ---跑 [pǎo] 1. To walk quickly (run). 急走 ([En.] run) 2. To flee; to evade (escape). 逃走;躲避 ([En.] escape) 3. To walk; to go. 走;走路 ([En.] walk; go) 4. To run about for something or interests. 为某种事物或利益而奔走 ([En.] run about doing sth.) 5. To lose; to be lost. 丢掉;失去 ([En.] lose) 6. To be lucky; to hit it big. 走运;走红 ([En.] be lucky) - Example Uses: - 长跑 (long-distance running) - 逃跑 (to escape) - 跑腿 (to run errands) ---走兽用脚刨地。 To scratch the ground with the feet of a beast. ---跑 [páo] 1. The original meaning: a beast scraping the ground with its feet. 【本义】:兽用足刨地 2. Character formation: phonetic compound; made of "足" meaning foot, and "包" as the sound component. 【造字法】:形声。从足,包声。 3. To see also pǎo. 另见 pǎo ---跑 [páo] 1. The original meaning: a beast scraping the ground with its feet. 【本义】:兽用足刨地 2. To see also pǎo. 另见 pǎo
to scare away
to run
running between bases (in baseball)
jogging / to jog / to canter / a slow trot
skate / RUN
to run errands
Tiger running
to flee from sth / to run away / to escape
to run / to jog / (military) to march at the double
athletic track / track / runway (i.e. airstrip)
to run around all over the place
trot / jog
long-distance running
run / play movement / ambulation
to run like the wind / to rush / to gallop
race (running) / to race (running)
the starting line (of a race) / scratch line (in a relay race)
to go everywhere / to scour (the whole town)
horse race / to ride a horse at a fast pace / wet dream
to drive away / to force out / to repel
sprint (race)
to run for shelter
Running around
Input Method for 跑
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters