饘 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 饘
Stroke Order Diagrams for 饘
Information of 饘
21 strokes
饘 [zhān]1. 稠粥 (thick gruel) - Usage: “~粥之食。” (Food made from thick gruel.) 2. 煮或吃 (to cook or eat thick gruel) - Usage: “~于是,鬻于是,以餬余口。” (Cooked and consumed to sustain oneself.)---饘 [zhān] - noun1. 稠粥 (thick gruel) - Reference: 《说文》: 饘,糜也。从食,亶声。周谓之糜木,谓之饘。按,厚者曰饘,稀者曰粥。 (According to "Shuowen," 饘 means thick gruel. It comes from the character for food, and sounds with a 'd' sound. In the Zhou period, it was called 糜木 and referred to as 饘. It is noted that the thick type is called 饘, while the thin is called 粥.) - Usage: 《方言一》: 相谒而食麦饘。注: “糜也。” (In "Dialect One": When visiting, one eats wheat gruel. Note: "It refers to糜.") - Example: 《左传·僖公二十八年》: 宁子职纳橐饘焉。 (From "Zuo Zhuan": Ningzi Zhi used to take the supply of thick gruel.) - Example: 崔浩《食经序》: 饥馑仍臻饘蔬糊口。 (Cui Hao's "Food Monograph": In times of famine, one still survives on thick gruel and vegetables.) - Example: 宋·司马光《训俭示康》: 昔正考父饘粥以糊口。 (Sima Guang's "Teaching Frugality to Kang": In the past, Zheng Kao Fu supported himself using thick gruel.) 2. (Reference to Zheng Kao Fu, a minister from the Spring and Autumn period, an ancestor of Confucius.)3. 泛指稀饭 (general term for gruel; porridge) - Reference: 《礼记·檀弓》: 饘粥之食。 (From "Liji": Food made from gruel.) - Example: 饘饘 (gruel with vegetable soup); 饘食 (referring to gruel). - Example: 饘饮 (gruel with vegetable soup).---饘 [zhān] - verb1. 煮粥 (to cook gruel; to make congee) - Reference: 《史记·孔子世家》: 饘于是,粥于是,以饘余口。 (From "Records of the Grand Historian": So one cooked the gruel, and through the gruel, one sustained themselves.) 2. 吃饭 (to eat; to have a meal) - Reference: 黄庭坚《武昌松风阁》: 野僧早饥不能饘。 (Huang Tingjian's "Wuchang Songfeng Pavilion": The wild monk was so hungry in the early hours that he couldn't cook for himself.)
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