牺 Stroke Order
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Information of 牺
10 strokes
牺 1. 古代称做祭品用的纯色牲畜。 (In ancient times, referred to livestock of a uniform color used as sacrificial offerings.)2. 古代称做祭品用的纯色牲畜: (a) 古代祭祀用牲的通称,色纯为“牺”,体全为“牲”。 (General term for ancient sacrificial animals; ‘牺’ indicates uniform color, and ‘牲’ indicates complete body, e.g., “牺牲玉帛,弗敢加也,必以信.”) (b) 为了崇高的目的舍去自己的生命或权利等,如“为祖国不怕流血牺。” (To sacrifice one's life or rights for a noble cause, e.g., "not afraid of shedding blood for the country.") (c) 放弃或损害一方的利益,如“他牺自己的休息时间,突击完成了任务。” (To sacrifice or harm one's own interests, e.g., "he sacrificed his rest time to complete the task urgently.") (Examples: 牺牛 (sacrificial cow), 牺尊 (ancient wine vessel shaped like sacrificial bull).)3. 同本义 ([En.] a domestic animal of a uniform color for sacrifice) 4. 指伏羲氏 ([En.] Fuxi - a legendary figure in Chinese mythology) 5. 酒樽名(以前读 suō,今读 xī) ([En.] wine vessel) 引: 1. 《说文》:牺,宗庙之牲也。 (From "Shuo Wen": 牺 refers to offerings to ancestral temples.) 2. 《书·微子》:今殷民乃攘窃神祇之牺牷牲用。传:“色纯曰牺。” (From "Shu": The people of Yin are stealing the offerings to the deities. It is said: ‘Uniform color is called 牺.’) 3. 《周礼·牧人》:共其牺牲。注:“毛羽完具也。” (From "Zhou Li": They shared the sacrificial offerings. Note: “Complete in fur and feathers.”) 4. 《大戴礼记·曾子大圆》:宗庙曰刍豢、山川曰牺牲。 (From "Da Dai Li Ji": Ancestral temples are referred to as fodder and raising, while mountains and rivers are called sacrificial offerings.) 5. 《左传·昭公二十二年》:自惮其牺也。 (From "Zuo Zhuan": He feared his own sacrifice.) 6. 《左传·庄公十年》:牺牲玉帛。 (From "Zuo Zhuan": Sacrificial offerings of jade and silk. Sacrifices refer to livestock used in ancient rituals, such as pigs, cows, and sheep; jade refers to jade articles; and silk, woven textiles.) 例: 又如: 牺牛 (sacrificial cow) 牺羊 (sacrificial sheep) 牺牢 (cattle, sheep, or pigs for hosting feasts or sacrifices) 牺宰 (official in charge of sacrificial offerings during ancient rituals) 酒樽名: (3) 指酒樽名(以前读 suō,今读 xī) ([En.] wine vessel) 引: 1. 《集韵》:牺,酒尊名。 (From "Ji Yun": 牺 is the name of a wine vessel.) 例: 又如: 牺人 (official responsible for offering wine) 牺羽 (ancient bird patterns carved on wine vessels) 牺杓 (another name for a ladle)
Not afraid of sacrifice
to sacrifice one's life / to sacrifice (sth valued) / beast slaughtered as a sacrifice
sacrificial victim / sb who is expendable / item sold at a loss
sb who sacrifices himself / sacrificial victim / sb who is expendable
self-sacrifice / self-immolation / self-denial / self-devotion
Input Method for 牺
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters