陈 Stroke Order
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Information of 陈
7 strokes
arrange / exhibit / narrate / tell / old / stale / a surname / to state / to display / to explain / (surname)
陈 (Chén)1. 排列,摆设: to arrange; to display.2. 述说: to explain; to state.3. 旧的,时间久的: old; antiquated.4. 中国周代诸侯国名,在今河南省淮阳县一带: the name of a state during the Zhou Dynasty in China, located in present-day Huaiyang County, Henan Province.5. 中国朝代名,南朝最末的王朝: the name of a dynasty in China, the last dynasty of the Southern Dynasties.6. 姓: a surname.陈 (Chén)1. 排列,摆设: to arrange; to display. 例: ~列。~兵。 Example: arranged rows; displayed soldiers. 2. 述说: to explain; to state. 例: 详~。~诉。~说。 Example: elaborate explanation; to narrate; to state. 3. 旧的,时间久的: old; antiquated. 例: ~旧。推~出新。 Example: antiquated; to eliminate the old to bring forth the new. 4. 中国周代诸侯国名,在今河南省淮阳县一带: the name of a state during the Zhou Dynasty in China. 5. 中国朝代名,南朝最末的王朝: the name of a dynasty in China, the last dynasty of the Southern Dynasties. 6. 姓: surname.陈 (Chén)名: a place name. An old region named Wu Qiu, where the capital of the Chen state was during the Spring and Autumn period, located in present-day Huaiyang County, Henan Province.1. 古国名 ([En.] Chen state): An ancient state name, covering present-day eastern Henan Province and northern Anhui Province. 引证:1. 《说文》: 陈,宛丘, 舜后妫满之所封。 2. 《左传·昭公八年》: 陈,颛顼之族也。 2. 陈朝 ([En.] Chen Dynasty): The name of a dynasty in the Southern Dynasties. In 557 AD, Chen Baxian declared himself emperor, naming the state Chen. The capital was Jian Kang (now Nanjing, Jiangsu Province), later destroyed by the Sui Dynasty.3. 战阵; 行列 ([En.] battle array): the arrangement of troops. 4. 姓: a surname.陈 (Chén)动:1. 陈设,陈列 ([En.] put in order; display). 引证:1. 《广雅》: 陈,列也。 2. 《玉篇》: 陈,布也。2. 述说 ([En.] explain; state). 引证:1. 《孟子·公孙丑下》: 我非尧舜之道,不敢以陈于王前。 2. 屈原《离骚》: 跪敷衽以陈辞兮。陈 (Chén)形: 陈旧 ([En.] antiquated; outmoded). 引证:1. 《荀子·富国》: 年谷复熟而陈积有余。 2. 唐·韩愈《答李翊书》: 当其取于心而注于手也,惟陈言之务去。Examples: 陈醋; 陈迹; 推陈出新,新陈代谢. (aged vinegar; old traces; update the old to innovate.)
Chen Yinque
Chen Juanhong
speak in excitement / be righteously indignant while speaking / present one's views vehemently
Generous remarks
cliché / commonplace / truism / stereotype
Chen Bijun
lit. secretly crossing the Wei River 渭河[Wei4 He2] at Chencang (idiom, refers to a stratagem used by Liu Bang 劉邦|刘邦[Liu2 Bang1] in 206 BC against Xiang Yu 項羽|项羽[Xiang4 Yu3] of Chu) / fig. to feign one thing while doing another / to cheat under cover of a diversion
to be nothing to write home about (idiom)
Yin Chen
metabolism (biology) / the new replaces the old (idiom)
superior mature vinegar / mature vinegar / aged vinegar
outmoded conventions / old-fashioned ways
Chen Qiaoyi
Input Method for 陈
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters