磬 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 磬
Stroke Order Diagrams for 磬
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 磬
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Information of 磬
16 strokes
musical stone
磬 [qìng] 名词 1. 古代打击乐器,形状像曲尺,用玉、石制成,可悬挂。 (Ancient musical instrument, shaped like a carpenter's square, made of jade or stone, and can be hung up.) 2. 佛寺中使用的一种钵状物,用铜铁铸成,既可作念经时的打击乐器,亦可敲响集合寺众。 (A bowl-shaped object used in Buddhist temples, made of copper or iron, which can serve as a percussion instrument for chanting scriptures and also to call the congregation.) 3. 缢杀:“公族其有死罪,则~于甸人”。 (Strangulation: "If a noble has a capital crime, he will be [strangled] by the people of the fields.") 4. 古同“罄”,空,尽。 (Same as the ancient term "罄," meaning empty or exhausted.) 动词 1. 弯腰。表示谦恭。 (To bend down, indicating humility.) 2. 假借为“骋”。纵马奔驰。 (Used as a borrowing for "骋," meaning to gallop.) 形容词 通“罄”。空,尽。 (Same as "罄," meaning empty or exhausted.) 引例 1. 《说文》:磬,乐石也。 ("Shuōwén" says: Pìng, a musical stone.) 2. 《山海经·西山经》:小华之山多磬石。 ("Shan Hai Jing, Western Mountains": The mountain of Xiaohua has many chime stones.) 3. 《书·禹贡》:泗滨浮磬。 ("Book of Documents, Tribute of Yu": The floating chime near the banks of the Si River.) 4. 《诗·小雅·鼓钟》:笙磬同音。 ("Book of Songs, Minor Elegances": The sheng and qing have the same sound.) 5. 《诗·商颂·那》:依我磬声。 ("Book of Songs, Songs of the Shang": Follow the sound of my qing.) 6. 《淮南子·泛论》:语寡人以忧者击磬。 ("Huai Nan Zi, General Discussions": Tell the lonely ones to strike the qing with worries.) 7. 宋·苏轼《石钟山记》:钟磬置于水中。 (Song Dynasty, Su Shi, "Record of Shizhong Mountain": Bells and qing are placed in water.) 8. 《西门豹治邺》:西门豹簪笔磬折,向河立待良久。 ("Ximen Bao Governing Ye": Ximen Bao bent down and waited by the river for a long time.) 例子 如: 磬人(负责治磬的官员); 磬工(负责制磬的官员); 磬色(玉磬的光彩); 磬师(古乐官名); 磬管(两种古乐器名) (For example: qingren (official responsible for the qing); qinggong (official responsible for making the qing); qingse (the luster of a jade qing); qingshi (title of an ancient music official); qingguan (names of two ancient musical instruments).)适宜制磬的美石 (Fine stone suitable for making qings) 如: 磬石(适宜制磬的美石); 磬错(磨磬用的石头) (For example: qingshi (fine stone suitable for making qing); qingcuo (stone used to polish the qing).)
Input Method for 磬
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters