耏 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 耏
Stroke Order Diagrams for 耏
Information of 耏
Pinyinér、 nài
9 strokes
耏 [ér] 1. Same as “而”, meaning beard. (English: beard) 2. A term for animals that are hairy or furry. 3. An ancient name of a river located in the northwest of Zibo City, Shandong Province, China. 4. A surname. Additional Information: 1. In ancient times, the act of shaving off beard (especially cheek hair) as a form of light punishment. 2. An ancient term referring to the light punishment of shaving off facial hair as a disciplinary measure. “Punishments include shaving, clipping, amputation, and cutting off body parts; minor offenses may result in this punishment."
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters