巜 stroke order

巜 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 巜 Stroke Order Diagrams for 巜 Information of 巜 PinyinkuiRadical乙Strokes2 strokesUsage★★Definition Definition of 「巜」:1. Same as "澮". A water ditch in the fields. 同“澮”。田间的水沟。2. Same as "澮". A w...

巜 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 巜

巜 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 巜

巜 Stroke Order Diagrams

Information of 巜




2 strokes




Definition of 「巜」:1. Same as "澮". A water ditch in the fields. 同“澮”。田间的水沟。2. Same as "澮". A water ditch in the fields. "Shuowen Jiezi•Guo Bu": "巜, water flows like in the tidal waves. A square of one hundred li is called 巜, two xun wide and two ren deep." 同“澮”。田间的水沟。《説文•巜部》:“巜,水流同滄也。方百里為巜,廣二尋,深二仞。”3. Another pronunciation of the above. 上述[一]的另一种读音。4. Another pronunciation of the above. 上述[一]的另一种读音。5. Moisten. 濡。6. Moisten. "Jiyun•Huan Yun": "巜, moisten." 濡。《集韻•桓韻》:“巜,濡也。”7. Noun: A waterway in the fields. "Shuowen Jiezi•Chuan Bu": "巜, water flows rapidly. A square of one hundred li is called 巜, two xun wide and two ren deep." 名词 田间的水道。《说文解字.巛部》:「巜,水流浍浍也。方百里为巜,广二寻深二仞。」8. Noun: A waterway in the fields. "Shuowen Jiezi•Chuan Bu": "巜, water flows rapidly. A square of one hundred li is called 巜, two xun wide and two ren deep." 名词 田间的水道。《说文解字.巛部》:「巜,水流浍浍也。方百里为巜,广二寻深二仞。」

Same Pronunciation Characters

Same Radical Characters


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  • 巜 stroke order

    巜 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 巜 Stroke Order Diagrams for 巜 Information of 巜 PinyinkuiRadical乙Strokes2 strokesUsage★★Definition Definition of 「巜」:1. Same as "澮". A water ditch in the fields. 同“澮”。田间的水沟。2. Same as "澮". A w

    2025-01-28 01:20:01
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