杀 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 杀
Stroke Order Diagrams for 杀
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 杀
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Information of 杀
6 strokes
to kill / to murder / to slaughter
杀 (殺 shā) 动 (verb) 1. 使人或动物失去生命: kill; slaughter - 例如: ~~生 (kill life), ~~敌 (kill enemies), ~~鸡取卵 (kill a chicken to get eggs), ~~一儆百 (kill one as a warning to others) 2. 战斗,搏斗: fight; go into battle - 例如: ~~出重围 (fight out of the encirclement)3. 消减: wither - 例如: ~~风景 (wither the scenery)4. 药物等刺激身体感觉疼痛: incite pain with medicine, etc. - 例如: 肥皂水~~了眼睛 (soap water stung the eyes)5. 收束: end - 例如: ~~价 (bind price), ~~尾 (bind the end)6. 勒紧,扣紧: bind tightly - 例如: ~~车 (tighten up the vehicle)7. 用在动词后,表示程度深: indicates a strong degree when used after a verb - 例如: 笑~~人 (laugh extremely), 恨~~ (hate extremely)名 (noun) 猎获物: bag形 (adjective) 1. 死板,不可变动: inflexible - 例如: ~~定 (rigid rules), ~~断 (rigidly determine)2. 口: 该死的: damn it - 例如: ~~千万 (damn you), ~~坏 (damned)3. 寒的;阴森的: gloomy - 例如: ~~节 (cold and stark season)4. 方: 接近…的: next to - 例如: ~~黑 (just getting dark)副 (adverb) 1. 用在谓语后面,表示程度之深: in the extreme - 例如: 白杨多悲风,萧萧愁~~人 (the poplar trees mournfully sway, making one sorrowful to the extreme)2. 很,甚: very - 例如: ~~毛树孔 (shouting out in extreme pain or fear)1. 使人或动物失去生命: kill; slaughter2. 战斗,搏斗: fight; go into battle3. 消减: wither4. 药物等刺激身体感觉疼痛: incite pain with medicine, etc.5. 收束: end6. 勒紧,扣紧: bind tightly7. 用在动词后,表示程度深: indicates a strong degree when used after a verb
lit. killing the chicken to scare the monkey (idiom); to punish an individual as an example to others / pour encourager les autres
to massacre / massacre / bloodbath / carnage
kill with lawful authority / kill anybody who puts up resistance / kill those who resist, with lawful authority / capture and summarily excecute
to slaughter / to butcher / to put down
to murder
to assassinate / (military) to fight with a bayonet / (baseball) to put out (a baserunner)
insecticide / pesticide
to murder / assassination
to massacre / to slaughter
to strangle / to throttle
to kill
to smash a ball / to spike
to erase / to cover traces / to obliterate evidence / to expunge / to blot out / to suppress
to grapple (with the enemy) / to fight at the risk of one's life
to hunt and kill (an animal or fish)
burning, killing and pillaging
fighting / killing
to charge
to fight at close quarters / hand-to-hand
homicide / to murder / to kill (a person)
to attack the enemy
genocide / kill all / completely annihilate / have sb. wiped out
to assassinate
killer / murderer / hit man / (sports) formidable player
to kill oneself / to commit suicide / to attempt suicide
to kill
Input Method for 杀
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters