翚 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 翚
Stroke Order Diagrams for 翚
Information of 翚
12 strokes
翚 huī 1. 飞翔。 [En.] Flying. 2. 古书上指有五彩羽毛的雉。 [En.] Refers to a pheasant with multicolored feathers in ancient texts. 翚 huī 〈动〉 1. 振翅疾飞 [En.] Fly swiftly by flapping wings. 引: 1. 《说文》:翚,大飞也。 [En.] "Shuōwén": "翚 means to fly high." 2. 《方言》:翚,习也。 [En.] "Dialect": "翚 means to practice."3. 《文选·张衡·西京赋》:若夫游鹬高翚,绝翚逾斥。 [En.] "Literary Selection: Zhang Heng's 'Ode to the Western Capital': 'Like the wading bird flying high, crossing the cliffs swiftly.'" 2. 舞动。通“挥” [En.] Waving or dancing. 引: 1. 《后汉书·马融传》:翚终葵,扬关斧。 [En.] "Book of the Later Han: '翚 ends with the sunflower, raising the axe.'" 翚 huī 〈名〉 1. 锦鸡 [En.] Golden pheasant. 引: 1. 《尔雅》:伊、洛而南,素质、五采皆备成章曰翚。郭璞注:翚亦雉属。言其毛色光鲜。 [En.] "Erya": 'If going south from Yi and Luo, complete with white and five colors, it is called 翚.' Guo Pu's note: '翚 also belongs to the pheasant family, meaning its feathers are bright in color.'
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