惌 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 惌
Stroke Order Diagrams for 惌
Information of 惌
Pinyinyuān、 wǎn
12 strokes
惌1. 屈曲。 1. Curved or bent. 2. 同“怨”。 2. Same as "怨" (grievance or complaint). 3. 小孔貌。 3. Appearance of a small hole. 4. 病名。清桂馥。 4. A term for a disease, referenced in Qing period texts by Gui Fu. 5. 同“宛”。 5. Same as "宛" (gentle or graceful). 6. 小孔貌。《周礼•考工记•函人》:“凡察革之道,眠其钻空,欲其惌也。” 6. Appearance of a small hole. "In the Zhou Li, it is stated: 'When examining the leather's condition, notice the drilled hole; [the desired effect is] a bend.'" 7. 病名。清桂馥《札樸•乡里旧闻附乡音正字》:“腹中积食曰惌。” 7. A term for a disease. Gui Fu states: "A buildup of food in the abdomen is called '惌'." 8. 同“宛”。《说文•宀部》:“惌,宛或从心。” 8. Same as "宛." According to "Shuo Wen," it means "惌" is similar to "宛" or possibly derives from the heart. 9. 同“愠”。 9. Same as "愠" (to be displeased or sullen). 10. 同“愠”。《集韻•迄韻》:“愠,或作惌”《类篇•心部》:“惌,心所郁积也。” 10. Same as "愠." The collection states: "愠 can also be written as 惌," and "惌 is the accumulation of the heart's gloom."
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters