謷 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 謷
Stroke Order Diagrams for 謷
Information of 謷
17 strokes
謷 1. 诋毁: To slander; to defame. Example: “诋毁丑先王,排訾旧典。” (Slandering the ugly former king and rejecting old traditions.) 2. 高; 高超: High; superb. Example: “高乎大哉!独成其天。” (How lofty and magnificent it is! It stands alone in its own realm.) 3. 哀叹声: An expression of sorrow; to wail. Example: “吏缘为奸,天下~~然陷刑者众。” (Due to corruption, many in the world are trapped in punishment.) 本义: 不省人言 - The original meaning is 'not heeding others' words'. 造字法: 形声 - Formed by sound. It combines '言' (speech) and '敖' (to wail). 同本义: [En.] perverse. 1. 诋毁,造谣中伤: [En.] slander. Example: “謷丑先王,排訾旧典。” (Slandering the ugly former king and rejecting old traditions.) 2. 哭不止; 哀声: [En.] whine. Example: “声謷謷尻益高。” (The sound of wailing grew higher.) 倨傲: Proud; arrogant. Example: “虽以天下誉之,得其所谓,謷然不顾。” (Even if everyone in the world praises it, it remains indifferent.)
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