揭 stroke order

揭 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 揭 Stroke Order Diagrams for 揭 Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 揭 Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "揭", learn the correct stroke order (笔...

揭 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 揭

揭 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 揭

揭 Stroke Order Diagrams

Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 揭

Standard stroke order for the Chinese character 揭

Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials

Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "揭", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "揭", and master the standard way of writing the character "揭".

Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 揭

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "揭" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)

Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 揭 in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)

Download Free Worksheet (PDF)

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "揭" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)

Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 揭 in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)

Download Free Worksheet (PDF)

Information of 揭

Pinyinjiē、 qì



12 strokes




lift off (a cover) / divulge

揭 [jiē]1. To lift or remove something that is covering or adhering to something else.- Example: 揭锅 (lift the lid); 揭幕 (lift the curtain).2. To reveal something that was hidden.- Example: 揭露 (reveal); 揭发 (expose); 揭底 (uncover); 揭穿 (expose); 揭晓 (make known).3. To raise high.- Example: 揭竿而起 (raise the pole to rise).4. To mark or indicate.- Example: 揭橥 (to mark or denote); 揭示 (to demonstrate).5. To carry or hold. 6. A surname.---名 (noun) - Mark; sign; symbol.例: 郭璞《江赋》:“峨嵋为泉阳之揭。” - Example: "Emei serves as the mark of Quanyang." ---形 (adjective) 1. High-pitched; soaring. - Example: 揭天 (a sound that goes to heaven); 揭调 (high tone); 揭孽 (having a grand appearance).2. Slender; riding fast.3. Tall and elongated appearance.4. The appearance of racing.---动 (verb) - Main meaning: To raise.- Formation: Phonetic-ideographic, comprising hand (手) and the sound part (曷).1. To raise. - Example: 《说文》: 揭,高举也。 - References: "To raise high."2. To shoulder, bear, or carry. - Reference: 《庄子·胠箧》: “负匮揭箧担囊而趋。”3. To disclose or announce. - Example: 揭条 (reveal a line); 揭载 (publish).4. To lift or take off.- Example: 揭水指路 (lift water to indicate the way).5. To reveal or turn up. - Example: 颠沛之揭 (turning the world upside down).6. To borrow. - Example: 揭债 (borrow debt).---1. To lift clothing.- Example: 揭衣涉水 (lift clothing to wade through water).动词: To raise the hem of clothing. Reference: 《诗经.邶风.匏有苦叶》: “深则厉,浅则揭。” Example: "In deep water, it is dangerous; in shallow water, lift (the hem)."

jiē tiě


jiē mù

opening / unveiling

jiē lù

to expose / to unmask / to ferret out / to disclose / disclosure

àn jiē

a mortgage / to buy property on a mortgage

jiē kāi

to uncover / to open

jiē shì

to show / to make known

jiē xiǎo

to announce publicly / to publish / to make known / to disclose

jiē fā

to expose / to bring to light / to disclose / revelation

jiē pī

to expose and criticize

穿 jiē chuān

to expose / to uncover

jiē mì

to unmask / to uncover the secret

jiē pò

to uncover

Jiē yáng

Jieyang prefecture-level city in Guangdong

jiē pái

unveil the nameplate

竿 jiē gān ér qǐ

bear arms against / raise the standard / rise in revolt

jiē bù kāi guō

starve / be short of food / be unable to keep the pot boiling / have nothing in the pot

zhāo rán ruò jiē

abundantly clear

jiē bǎng

publish a list of successful candidates

jiē mù zhàn


jiē duǎn

rake up sb.'s faults / catch sb. on the raw / find out sb.'s shortcomings

Input Method for 揭








Four Corner




Same Pronunciation Characters

Same Radical Characters


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  • 揭 stroke order

    揭 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 揭 Stroke Order Diagrams for 揭 Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 揭 Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "揭", learn the correct stroke order (笔

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