霄 Stroke Order
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Information of 霄
15 strokes
firmament / heaven
霄 [xiāo] [名] 1. 云。 Clouds. 2. 天空。 Sky. 同本义: 1. 云:云霄。 Meaning: Clouds—yuncou (clouds). 天空: 2. 九霄。 Meaning: Nine heavens (a very high place), 重霄。 Meaning: Heavy (high) sky. 霄壤: Sky and earth, refers to far apart. 【引】 1. 《说文》:霄,雨霓为宵。 From "Shuowen": Xiāo refers to rainbows and clouds (as a term). 2. 《国语·齐语》:雨霓为霄雪。注:“冰雪杂下者谓之霄。” From "Guoyu": Rainbows are referred to as xiāo snow, noting that snow mixed with ice is called xiāo. 3. 《和吴冲卿雪诗》:风助霄仍汹。 From a poem by He Wu Chongqing: The wind helps the clouds to surge violently. <例> 又如:霄雪(下霰) For example: Xiāo snow (haile) 同本义: 3. 高空稀薄游动的云。 Meaning: Thin and floating clouds in high altitude. 【引】 1. 霄,日旁气也。[《汉书·扬雄传》注] From "Hanshu": Xiāo refers to the air near the sun. 2. 霄,摩天赤气也。[《后汉书·仲长统传》注] From "Houhan Shu": Xiāo refers to the red gases near the sky. 3. 霄,云也。[《后汉书·张衡传》注] Xiāo refers to clouds. <例> 又如: 凌霄之志; 九霄; 霄外(云霄之外,天外); 霄衢(天路) For example: Ambition to soar (凌霄); the nine heavens (九霄); beyond the clouds (霄外); heavenly road (霄衢). 通“宵”。夜晚。 4. Night. 【引】 1. 《吕氏春秋·明理》:有众日并出,有昼盲,有霄见。 From "Lüshi Chunqiu": The simultaneous emergence of many suns leads to blindness in daylight and visibility at night. 2. 《左传》:霄涉颍与楚人盟。 From "Zuo Zhuan": Xiāo crosses the river and aligns with the Chu people. [动] 通“消”。消灭; 消失。 To perish; to disappear. 【引】 1. 《墨子·经说上》:霄尽,荡也。顺长,治也。 From "Mozi": Once perished, it will return to order; if it follows the long, it will govern. 2. 曹植《洛神赋》:忽不悟其所舍,怅神霄而蔽光。 From "Cao Zhi's Lo Shen Fu": Suddenly unaware of what to leave behind, I lament for my spirit lost in the clouds, obscuring the light.
make the welkin ring / echo to the clouds / resound through the skies / (The beating of gongs and drums) resounded to the skies
the sky / the heavens / (fig.) imperial court
beyond the topmost clouds (idiom) / unimaginably far away
Rush into the sky
Deng Xiao
Input Method for 霄
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters