铦 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 铦
Stroke Order Diagrams for 铦
Information of 铦
Pinyinxiān、 kuò、 tiǎn、 guā
11 strokes
铦 銛 xiān1. Sharp; pointed. 锋利。 2. A kind of farming tool; a type of agricultural implement. 臿,一种农具。 3. Fishing gear. 捕捕鱼具。 4. Sharp weapon. 利器。 5. A surname. 姓。 本义: 田器,臿属。一种农具 Original meaning: A kind of farm implements. 造字法: 形声。从金,舌声 Character formation: Phono-semantic compound; "metal" component and "tongue" sound. 同本义 ([En.] a kind of farm implements) Same as the original meaning (A type of farm implements). 利器 ([En.] sharp knife) Sharp instrument (A sharp knife). 引: 1. 明· 张居正《答两广刘凝斋言贼情军情民情书》:譬彼芟草,铦鉏既过,根芽再萌,惟旋生旋除之耳。 Reference: Ming Dynasty, Zhang Ju-zheng's letter discussing military and civilian issues. 例: 又如:铦鉏(锹、锄之类的农具) For example: xiānchú (a type of farming tool like a shovel or hoe). 引: 1. 《韩非子·五蠹》:铁铦短者。 Reference: Han Feizi, discussing blunt and sharp instruments. 例: 又如:铦兵(锐利的兵器);铦锥(锐利的锥子);铦锷(锐利的刀刃) For example: xiānbīng (sharp weapon); xiānzhuī (sharp awl); xiānyè (sharp blade). 无知的样子。 The appearance of ignorance. 挑取。 To pick or select. 断。 To cut off or sever.
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