仰 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 仰
Stroke Order Diagrams for 仰
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 仰
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Information of 仰
Pinyinyǎng、 áng
6 strokes
look up
仰 [yǎng] 【动】 1. 脸向上,与“俯”相对。 (Face upward, opposite of "to bow down.") 2. 敬慕。 (Admire, respect highly.) 3. 依赖。 (Rely on.) 4. 旧时公文用语。上行文中用在“请、祈、恳”等字之前,表示恭敬;下行文中表示命令。 (In old documents, used before words like "request," "pray," and "entreat" to show respect; in subservient writing, indicates commands.) 5. 服下,指服毒。 (To ingest, specifically to take poison.) 6. 姓。 (A surname.) 引 1. 《说文》:仰,举也。 按,仰即卬之或体。汉书皆作卬,不作仰。 (From "Shuowen": 'Yang' means to lift. Note, 'yang' is synonymous with 'ang' or 'ti.' In the Han Book, it is written as 'ang,' not 'yang.') 2. 《淮南子·说山》:驷马仰秼。 (From "Huainanzi": A team of four horses lifts the carriage.) 3. 《孟子·梁惠王上》:仰足以事父母。 (From "Mengzi": (To) rely on (parents) to serve them.) 4. 《玉台新咏·古诗为焦仲卿妻作》:仰头相向鸣。 (From "Yutai Xinyong": (The birds) sung facing upward.) 5. 《汉书·息夫躬传》:仰药而伏刃。 (From the Han Book: (To) drink medicine while lying on a knife, meaning to commit suicide.) 6. 汉· 刘向《列女传》:无敢仰视。 (From Liu Xiang's "Biographies of Women": No one dared to look up.) 7. 三国魏· 邯郸淳《笑林》:遂于树下仰取叶。 (From Handan Chun's "Laughing Forest": He took leaves while standing under a tree.) 8. 清· 薛福成《观巴黎油画记》:仰视天。 (From Xue Fucheng's "Observations on Paris Oil Paintings": Looking up at the sky.) 9. 清· 魏学洢《核舟记》:椎髻仰面。 (From Wei Xueyi's "Record of the Core Boat": With hair tied up and facing upwards.) 例 1. 又如:仰企俯思 (raising head with hope, lowering head with thought, implying admiration);仰脸 (looking upward, face towards the sky);仰瞻 (to look up; to admire) ---仰 [áng] 【形】 1. 通“昂”。高。 (Comes from "ang." High.) 2. 另见 yǎng。 (See also yǎng.) 例 如:仰仰(同“昂昂”,气概轩昂的样子);仰首伸眉(意气高昂的样子) (Such as: "yáng yáng" (the look of high spirits); "yǎng shǒu shēn méi" (the manner of high ambition).)
sprawled out on one's back (idiom)
angle of pitch
to revere / to admire
to look up at / to look up to sb hopefully
to admire
lowering and raising of the head / (fig.) small move / pitch (position angle)
to raise one's head
to tilt one's head back to see (sth) / to look up at
Yangshao neolithic culture from the central Yellow river basin, with red and black pottery
back / faceup / upturned face
to lie supine
to admire / to revere / to look up to
lean back and laugh / laugh sardonically / look up to the sky and laugh / throw back one's head to laugh long and loud
to sway to and fro / to rock back and forth
to rely on
to suffer a crushing defeat (idiom) / in a pitiful state / in a complete mess / to roll (with laughter)
sit-up (physical exercise)
with one's face towards the sky / fall flat on one's back
to rely on / to depend on
honorific: I've long looked forward to meeting you. / It's an honor to meet you at last.
to believe in (a religion) / firm belief / conviction
Input Method for 仰
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters