龍 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 龍
Stroke Order Diagrams for 龍
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 龍
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Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 龍
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "龍" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "龍" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Information of 龍
16 strokes
dragon / imperial / Long (a surname)
龍 lóng [noun] 1. A legendary mythical creature, elongated, with scales and claws, capable of summoning clouds and bringing rain. 2. A symbol of emperors used in feudal times, also refers to items that the emperor uses. 3. Metaphor for outstanding and talented individuals. 4. One of the twelve zodiac animals, corresponding with the Earthly Branch "chen." 5. Refers to long objects shaped like a dragon. 6. Refers to dragon-like patterns or designs. 7. A general term for objects that have dragon-shaped patterns or resemble dragons. 8. An excellent horse. 9. Star name. 1. One of the seven mansions in the east. 10. A title in ancient legends. 11. Rain clouds formed by a tornado. 12. In ancient geomancy, mountains were referred to as dragons. 13. In ancient alchemy, water or mercury was referred to as dragon. 14. An abbreviation of the "Longquan" sword, generally referring to fine swords. 15. Sprout or bud. 16. Transmit or convey. 17. Harmony. 18. A name for a type of aquatic grass. 19. Equivalent to "宠 (chǒng)," meaning glory. 20. An ancient place name. 21. Equal to "壟," meaning hillock or mound. 22. A surname. ---龍 lóng [noun] 1. A legendary mythical creature, elongated, with scales and claws, capable of summoning clouds and bringing rain. (from "廣韻•鍾韻": "龍,靈蟲之長也。") 2. A symbol of emperors used in feudal times, also refers to items that the emperor uses. (from "廣雅•釋詁一": "龍,君也。") 3. Metaphor for outstanding and talented individuals. (from "三國志•蜀志•諸葛亮傳": "諸葛孔明者,卧龍也。") 4. One of the twelve zodiac animals, corresponding with the Earthly Branch "chen." 5. Refers to long objects shaped like a dragon: water dragon; fire dragon; "车水马龙." 6. Refers to dragon-like patterns: dragon coins; dragon shields; dragon robes. 7. A general term for objects that have dragon-shaped patterns or resemble dragons. 1. Dragon ladle. 2. Dragon boat. 3. Dragon tea. 8. An excellent horse. (from "周禮•夏官•廋人": "馬八尺以上為龍。") 9. Star name. 1. One of the seven mansions in the east. 2. The planet Jupiter. 3. The Tai Sui (the Grand Duke). 10. A title in ancient legends. 11. Rain clouds formed by a tornado. 12. In ancient geomancy, mountains were referred to as dragons. 13. In ancient alchemy, water or mercury was referred to as dragon. 14. An abbreviation of the "Longquan" sword, generally referring to fine swords. 15. Sprout or bud. 16. Transmit or convey. 17. Harmony. 18. A type of aquatic grass. 19. Equivalent to "宠 (chǒng)," meaning glory. 20. An ancient place name in Lu during the Spring and Autumn period. 21. Equivalent to "壟," meaning hillock. 22. A surname. ---(Note: Multiple definitions are presented clearly as they would appear in a dictionary format, interspersed with translations and examples when applicable.)
Input Method for 龍
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters