依 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 依
Stroke Order Diagrams for 依
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 依
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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "依" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "依" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Information of 依
Pinyinyī、 yǐ
8 strokes
according to / depend on / near to
依 [yī]1.靠,仗赖。 - lean on; rely on2.按照。 - in accordance with3.顺从,答应。 - comply with; yield to; agree4.亲密的样子。 - intimate appearance1.靠,仗赖:~靠。~傍(➊依靠;➋摹仿,多指艺术、学问)。~恋。~偎。~存。~附。归~。 - Leaning; relying: lean on; support (1. rely; 2. imitate, mostly referring to art or knowledge). love; snuggle; depend; attach; depend on.2.按照:~照。~旧。~据。~次。 - According to: according to; old ways; rely on; in order.3.顺从,答应:~从。~顺。~允。 - Comply; yield: comply with; obey; agree.4.亲密的样子:“有~其士”。 - Intimacy: "to be close to one's followers."依 [yī](动) 本义: 靠着 [Original meaning: leaning/depending] 造字法: 形声。从人,衣声。甲骨文字形。人在衣中。 字义释义: 1.同本义 ([En.] lean on) 2.倚仗,仗恃,仰赖 ([En.] rely on) 3.依靠;托身 ([En.] depend on) 4.同意;允许 ([En.] comply with; yield to; agree; consent) 5.服从;听从 ([En.] obey) 6.原谅,宽恕 ([En.] forgive) 7.遵照,根据 ([En.] in the light of; in accordance with) 8.爱 ([En.] love) 9.依照,按照 ([En.] in according to) 10.通“隐”( yǐn)。藏匿 ([En.] hide; screen) (形) 1.茂盛的样子 ([En.] flourishing) 2.另见 yǐ依 [yǐ](名) 1.通“扆”。户牖间画有斧形的屏风 ([En.] a kind of screen in ancient time) 2.另见 yī 依 [yǐ](名) 1.通“扆”。户牖间画有斧形的屏风 ([En.] a kind of screen in ancient time) 引: 1.《仪礼·觐礼》:天子设斧依于户牖之间。 2.《周礼·春官·司几筵》:王位设黼依。 3.《荀子·正论》:居则设张容,负依而坐。 4.《礼记·曲礼下》:天子当依而立。 5.《汉书·西域传赞》:天子负黼依。 2.另见 yī
lit. as close as lips and teeth (idiom); closely related / interdependent
to follow / to comply
Rely on
be distressed at parting / part reluctantly from ... / reluctant to part
in my opinion
rely on / depend on
to rely on / to base oneself on
snuggle up to / lean close to
to rely on / to depend on / to imitate (a model) / to base a work (on some model)
still / as before
to rely on sth (for support etc) / to depend on
according to / in light of
legal (proceedings) / according to law
to depend on / to be dependent on
in order / in succession
to rely on / to depend on / support
as before / still
to adhere / to attach oneself to / to append
vaguely / dimly / probably / very likely
to be fondly attached to / to not wish to part with / to cling to
to convert to (a religion)
mountains on one side and water on the other
not to comply / not to go along with / not to let off easily / not to let sb get away with it
to comply with / to obey
Vaguely visible
to depend on sth for existence / dependent on
dependency / dependence
Qaramay shehiri (Karamay city) or Kèlāmǎyī prefecture-level city in Xinjiang
lit. to draw a dipper with a gourd as one's model (idiom) / fig. to follow the existing pattern without modification
to nestle against / to snuggle up to
Input Method for 依
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters