奋 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 奋
Stroke Order Diagrams for 奋
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 奋
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Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 奋
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "奋" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "奋" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Information of 奋
8 strokes
exert oneself
奋 fèn1. 鸟张开并振动翅膀。 (A bird spreads and flaps its wings.)2. 振作,鼓劲,振动。 (To perk up, to motivate, to shake.)3. 提起,举起。 (To lift, to raise.)1. 鸟张开并振动翅膀:~飞。~翅。 (A bird spreads and flaps its wings: ~flying. ~wings.)2. 振作,鼓劲,振动:~起。~力。~勇。~不顾身。振~。勤~。兴~。 (To perk up, to motivate, to shake: ~up. ~effort. ~courage. ~without regard for oneself. ~shaking. ~diligently. ~flourishing.)3. 提起,举起:~臂。~袂(举袖,形容奋发的样子)。~笔疾书。 (To lift, to raise: ~arms. ~sleeves (raising sleeves, depicting a vigorous appearance). ~pen for rapid writing.)奮 fèn[动]【本义】: 鸟类振羽展翅 (Original meaning: The act of birds spreading their feathers and wings.)【造字法】: 会意。金文字形,中间是“隹”(鸟); 外面象鸟振翅欲飞之势; 下面是“田”,表示空旷的田野。 (Word formation: Pictophonetic. The character has "隹" (bird) in the center; the outer form resembles the motion of a bird flapping its wings; underneath is "田", which represents an open field.)同本义 ([En.] (said of a bird) to take wing) 1. 《说文》:奮,翚也。 (From Shuowen: "奋" means to soar.)2. 张衡《西京赋》:奋隼归凫。 (From Zhang Heng: "... the falcon soars back...")3. 《淮南子·原道》:羽翼奋也。 (From Huainanzi: "The wings fly.")4. 《尔雅·释鸟》:雉绝有力奋,鸡绝有力奋。 (From Erya: "The pheasant is strong and can soar, the chicken is strong and can soar.")5. 《诗·邶风·柏舟》:不能奋飞。 (From the Book of Songs: "Unable to soar.")6. 《虞初新志·秋声诗自序》:于是宾客无不变色离席,奋袖出臂。 (From Yuchuxin Zhi: "The guests all turned pale and left their seats, waving their sleeves.")7. 《聊斋志异·促织》:虫暴怒,直奔,遂相腾击,振奋作声。 (From Liaozhai Zhiyi: "The insect was furious, charging straight ahead and making a sound.")又如: 奋翅(振翼起飞);奋翼(振翼高飞);奋翔(振翼高飞);奋鳞(龙腾飞);奋翮(展翅,振羽) (Examples: to flap wings (to take off); to soar with wings; to soar; to fly; to spread wings.)鼓起劲来,振作 ([En.] raise; exert oneself; act vigorously) 1. 《广雅·释言》:奋,振也。 (From Guangya: "奋" means to shake vigorously.)2. 清· 徐珂《清稗类钞·战事类》:拔刀奋起,率众袭之。 (From Xu Ke: "Drawing swords and rising up, leading the crowd to attack.")3. 汉· 贾谊《过秦论》:及至始皇,奋六世之余烈。 (From Jia Yi: "When it comes to the First Emperor, he exerted the legacy of six generations.")又如: 奋烈(振奋威武);奋信(振奋伸张);奋武扬威(振奋勇气,施展威风);奋气(奋发振作) (Examples: fiercely motivated; to invigorate; to display might; to uplift one's spirit.)震动 ([En.] shake) 1. 《易·豫》:雷出地奋。 (From Yijing: "Thunder arises from the ground.")2. 《广雅》:奋,动也。 (From Guangya: "奋" means to move.)又如: 奋首(摇头,表示疲困);奋髯(抖动胡须);奋蹄(振蹄) (Examples: to shake one's head (to show fatigue); to shake one's beard; to lift one's hooves.)奋力;施展;发挥 ([En.] dash ahead; put to good use) 1. 《史记·乐书》:奋至德之光。 集解:“发也。” (From Shiji: "Exert the light of virtue.")2. 《诗·大雅·常武》:王奋厥武。 (From Shijing: "The king exerts his might.")3. 《史记·平原君虞卿列传》:岂其士卒众多哉,诚能据其势而奋其威。 (From Shiji: "Were there not many soldiers, indeed they could leverage their power.")又如: 奋张(有力地伸展、张开);奋末(四肢用力) (Examples: to stretch forcefully; to exert effort with limbs.)挥动;举起;舞动 ([En.] wield) 1. 《史记·张耳陈余列传》:陈王奋臂,为天下倡始。 (From Shiji: "The king Chen raised his arms, taking the initiative for the world.")2. 明· 魏禧《大铁椎传》:众贼环而进,客奋椎左右击,人马仆地。 (From Wei Xi: "Many thieves surrounded and pressed in, and the guest swung his hammer to strike left and right.")3. 马中锡《中山狼传》:遂鼓吻奋爪以向先生。 (From Ma Zhongxi: "He then swung his claws towards the teacher.")又如: 奋臂(有力地举臂,表示振奋);奋袂(举袖,挥袖,形容振奋);奋笔(提笔疾书);奋戈(使劲挥舞干戈) (Examples: to raise arms vigorously (to show enthusiasm); to raise sleeves; to wield a pen for rapid writing; to wield a spear vigorously.)
to strive / to struggle
to do everything one can / to spare no effort / to strive
to struggle arduously
to stir oneself up / to raise one's spirits / to inspire
to rise vigorously / a spirited start
to fight bravely / (fig.) to struggle / to work hard
to dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety (idiom); undaunted by dangers / regardless of perils
Forge ahead
to advance bravely / to endeavor
to rouse to vigorous action / energetic mood
fight a bloody battle / bloody battles / fight dauntlessly
lit. lone army putting up a brave fight (idiom) / fig. (of a person or group of people) struggling hard without support
excitability / erethism / irritability
dauntless / to summon up courage and determination / using extreme force of will
to volunteer for / to offer to undertake
hardworking / diligent
stimulant / doping (in athletics)
Work hard
excited / excitement / (physiology) excitation
push sb. ahead / motivate sb. / encourage sb. / stimulate sb. / inspire sb.
excited / stimulated
Zou Taofen (1895-1944), journalist, political theorist and publisher
Input Method for 奋
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters