遌 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 遌
Stroke Order Diagrams for 遌
Information of 遌
12 strokes
遌 [è] 动 1. 遇,遇到 (meet, encounter) 例: "死生惊惧不入乎其胸,是故~物而不慴。" Translation: "Life and death fears do not enter into his chest, hence he meets things and feels no shame."2. 抵触 (conflict) 例: "牚距劫~,又足怪也。" Translation: "The obstacles of robbery conflict with each other, which is quite strange."引 1. 《说文》: 遌,相遇惊也。 Translation: "In 'Shuowen', it means to be startled by an unexpected meeting." 2. 《尔雅·释诂》: 遌,见也。 注: “心不欲见而见曰遌。” Translation: "In 'Erya', it means to see. Note: 'When the heart does not wish to see yet sees, it is called 遌.'"3. 《楚辞·怀沙》: 重华不可遌。 Translation: "In 'Chuci', it states that the heavy flowers cannot be unexpectedly encountered." 4. 班固《幽通赋》: 乘高而遌神兮。 Translation: "In Ban Gu's 'You Tong Fu', it says to soar high and unexpectedly encounter the spirit."例 又如: 遌时 (遇时,逢时) Translation: As another example: 遌时 means to encounter at the right time.2. 抵触 (conflict) 例: 如: 颜(犯颜) Translation: For example: 颜 means to offend in terms of facial expression.
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