踪 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 踪
Stroke Order Diagrams for 踪
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 踪
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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "踪" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "踪" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
![Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of 踪 in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge) Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 踪 in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)](/assets/bishun/worksheets/png/2/36394.png)
Information of 踪
15 strokes
footprint / trace / tracks
踪 (zōng) 1. 人或动物走过留下的脚印。 [En.] The footprints left by a person or animal. 2. 人或动物走过留下的脚印:~影。~迹。追~。失~。跟~。无影无~。 [En.] Footprints left by a person or animal: shadow of a trace, trail, to pursue, lost track, to follow a trail, without a trace. 3. 事物的痕迹。 [En.] The trace of an object. 【本义】: 脚印,踪迹 [En.] The original meaning: footprints, traces. 【造字法】: 形声。从足,从(宗)声。 [En.] Character formation: phonetic compound; composed of the radical for 'foot' and the phonetic 'zong'. 同本义 1. 同本义 ([En.] trace) [En.] Same original meaning. 事物的痕迹 2. 事物的痕迹 ([En.] track) [En.] The mark of an object. 例句: 1. 李白《谒老君庙》:草合人踪断,尘浓鸟迹深。 [En.] Li Bai "Visiting the Laozi Temple": The grass closes in with no trace of people, dust thick, bird tracks deep. 2. 柳宗元《江雪》:千山鸟飞绝,万径人踪灭。 [En.] Liu Zongyuan "River Snow": Birds have flown away from a thousand mountains, all paths with no sign of people. 3. 宋· 苏轼《石钟山记》:访其遗踪。 [En.] Song, Su Shi "Record of Shizhong Mountain": To seek out its remains. 4. 《聊斋志异·促织》:绝无踪响。 [En.] "Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio": Absolutely without trace or sound. 5. 《广东军务记》:胆寒潜踪。 [En.] "Guangdong Military Affairs Record": Fearful of the hidden track. 又如: - 蛰尘(尘世的事情) - 蛰绪(踪迹,头绪) - 蛰响(踪迹和声响) - 蛰辙(踪迹) [En.] Examples: track dust (worldly matters), track traces (hints), track sound (traces and sounds), track ruts (traces). 例句: - 事情的始末; 跟踪 [En.] The beginning and end of a matter; follow the trail. 追随 [En.] To follow. 例句: - 跟着走 [En.] To walk following someone. 引: 1. 《晋书·刘曜载书》:朕欲远追周文,近踪光武,使宗庙有太山之安。 [En.] "Book of Jin": I want to pursue Zhou Wen from afar, and closely follow Guangwu, so that the ancestral temple has the peace of Mount Tai. 2. 《隋书》:质菲薄而难踪,心恬愉而去惑。 [En.] "Book of Sui": They are of poor quality and difficult to trace, yet the mind is calm and rejoices, devoid of confusion. 又如: 踪行(跟着走) [En.] Examples: to walk following someone.
to be missing / to disappear / unaccounted for
trace / vestige / presence
to disappear without trace (idiom)
tracks of a wanderer
to follow sb's tracks / to tail / to shadow / tracking
tracks / trail / footprint / trace / vestige
to follow a trail / to trace / to pursue
whereabouts / (lose) track (of)
trace / sign
Without a trace
follow-up service / track service
The Wizard of Oz
Input Method for 踪
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters