逢 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 逢
Stroke Order Diagrams for 逢
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 逢
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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "逢" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "逢" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Information of 逢
10 strokes
every time / meet by chance
逢 [féng]1. 遇到: To meet; to come upon. - 例句: ~遇。 (to meet fortuitously) 久别重~。 (to meet again after a long separation) ~凶化吉。 (to turn misfortune into good luck) 狭路相~。(to meet in a narrow path)2. 迎合,巴结: To pander to; to ingratiate. - 例句: ~迎。 (to curry favor) ~君之恶。 (to pander to the ruler's malice)3. 姓: A surname.4. 大的: Big. 5. 通“丰”: Corresponding to "丰" (fēng).6. 壮大,茂盛: To strengthen; lush.7. 宽大: Loose.8. 通“烽”: Referring to signal fire; used in ancient border defense for signaling alarms.逢 [féng]【动】 (verb)【本义】: 遭逢,遇见 (To encounter, to meet)【造字法】: 形声。从辵( chuò),表示与行走有关。夆( fēng)声。- 相同本义: [En.] meet; come upon. - 迎: [En.] meet face to face. - 迎合: [En.] pander to.引例:1. 《说文》: 逢,遇也。 (To meet is to encounter.)2. 《左传·宣公三年》: 魑魅罔两,莫能逢之。 (Monsters and spirits cannot be encountered.)3. 《楚辞·天问》: 而亲以逢殆。 4. 王勃《滕王阁序》: 萍水相逢,尽是他乡之客。 (Meeting by chance in water, all are guests in a foreign land.)5. 唐·杜牧《江南春绝句》: 落花时节又逢君。(Meeting you again during the season of falling flowers.)6. 唐·白居易《琵琶行(并序)》: 相逢何必曾相识。(Who says we must have met before in order to encounter each other?)例句: 再如: 逢辰 (to encounter a favorable time); 逢会 (to encounter an opportunity; to meet); 逢场 (to encounter or arrive at a certain occasion); 逢晤 (to meet face to face).【形】 (adjective)- 大的: [En.] big.引例:1. 《书·洪范》: 子孙其逢。 (May descendants be large.)2. 《礼记·儒行》: 丘少居鲁,衣逢掖之衣。 (In ancient times, one wore spacious clothes.)例句:再如: 逢掖 (wide sleeves); 逢长 (long-lasting); 逢衣 (a type of wide-sleeved robe worn by scholars in ancient times).- 通“丰”: To correspond to "丰" (fēng).- 壮大,茂盛: [En.] strengthen; lush.引例:1. 《书·洪范》: 身其康强,子孙其逢吉。(May you be healthy and prosper.)例句:再如: 逢昌 (to flourish and prosper).- 宽大: [En.] loose.引例:1. 《荀子·儒效》: 逢衣浅带,解果其冠。 2. 《列子·皇帝》: 汝逢衣徒也。逢 [féng]【名】 (noun) - 通“烽”: Signal fire. Referring to the smoke signals used in ancient fortress alarms. 引例:1. 《汉书·司马相如传》: 大汉之德,逢涌原泉。 (The virtue of the Han dynasty is like the surging spring.)(*引自繁体辞典解释)状 (state):参见「[逢逢]」条。名 (noun):- 姓: A surname. For example, in the Xia dynasty, there was someone named 逢蒙.
misfortune turns to blessing (idiom); to turn an inauspicious start to good account
coincide with
on the happy occasion of
every time / on each occasion / whenever
lit. to meet face to face on a narrow path (idiom) / fig. enemies or rivals meet face to face
strangers coming together by chance (idiom)
curry favour with sb. / flatter and fawn on ... / flatter and toady / go out of one's way to curry favour
Gong Feng
be present in person on the grand occasion / be personally present at the gala occasion
to fawn on / to ingratiate oneself / (literary) to meet face to face
to just happen to coincide with
to meet (by chance) / to come across
to encounter (sth unpleasant)
extremely rare (idiom) / once in a blue moon
at the Chinese New Year or other festivities
to meet again / to be reunited / reunion
lit. to strike water right and left (idiom) / fig. to turn everything into gold / to have everything going one's way / to benefit from both sides
to meet again after a long period of separation
to come back from death's door (idiom); unexpected rescue from danger / fig. to recover from a seemingly impossible situation / to find a way out of a predicament
coincide with... / right on the occasion of...
lit. find a stage, put on a comedy (idiom); to join in the fun / to play along according to local conditions
born at the wrong time (idiom); unlucky (esp. to complain about one's fate) / born under an unlucky star / ahead of his time
Input Method for 逢
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters