鳱 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 鳱
Stroke Order Diagrams for 鳱
Information of 鳱
Pinyingān、 hàn、 yàn
14 strokes
鳱: 1 〔鳱鵲〕喜鹊。 1 〔鳱鵲〕Magpie. 2 〔鳱鵲〕喜鹊。《玉篇•鳥部》:“鳱,鳱鵲。”《廣韻•寒韻》:“鳱,鳱鵲,鳥名。知未來事,噪則行人至。”《論衡・實知》:“狌狌知往,鳱鵲知來。” 2 〔鳱鵲〕Magpie. "Yupian: Bird Section" states: "鳱,鳱鵲." "Guangyun: Han Rhyme" states: "鳱, a magpie, a bird name. Knows future events, noise indicates arrival of people." "Lunheng: Actual Knowledge" states: "Song Song knows the past,鳱鵲 knows the coming."3 〔鳱鴠〕鸟名。 3 〔鳱鴠〕Bird name. 4 〔鳱鴠〕鸟名。《集韻•翰韻》:“鳱,鳱鴠,鳥名。”《淮南子•時則》:“(仲冬之月),鳱鴠不鳴。”漢枚乘《七發》:“朝則鸝黄鳱鴠鳴焉,暮則羈雌迷鳥宿焉。” 4 〔鳱鴠〕Bird name. "Jiyun: Han Rhyme" states: "鳱,鳱鴠, a bird name." "Huainanzi: Seasonal Laws" states: "(In the middle of winter), 鳱鴠 does not call." Han Mai Cheng's "Seven Fa": "In the morning, the oriole and 鳱鴠 sing, in the evening the female wandering bird rests."5 同“鴈”。 5 Same as “鴈” (wild goose). 6 同“鴈”。《正字通•鳥部》:“鳱,同鴈。一作,别作”《禽經》:“鳱以水言,自北而南。”張華注:“隨陽鳥也,冬適南方,集于江干之上,故字从干。”明楊慎《鶡鴠》:“《禽經》鴻鴈之鴈作,厈省為干,故或為鳱,皆古鴈字也。” 6 Same as “鴈” (wild goose). "Zhengzitong: Bird Section" states: "鳱, same as 鴈. Also written as , alternatively written as ." "Qinjing": "鳱 speaks of water, from north to south." Zhang Hua's annotation: "A sun-following bird, wintering in the south, gathers by the riverside, thus the character has a '干' component." Ming Yang Shen's "鶡鴠": "In 'Qinjing', the wild goose is written as , thus or 鳱 are both ancient forms of the character for goose."
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters