洑 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 洑
Stroke Order Diagrams for 洑
Information of 洑
Pinyinfú、 fù
9 strokes
洑 [fú] 名词 1. 水流回旋的样子。 (The appearance of swirling water.) 2. 漩涡。 (Whirlpool.) 3. 水名 (the Fu River). 4. 洑溪,在今江苏省宜兴县。 (Fenxi, in today's Yixing County, Jiangsu Province.) 5. 洑水,在今湖南省宁远县。 (Fen River, in today's Ningyuan County, Hunan Province.) 动词 1. 水潜流地下。 (Flow underground.) 2. 在水里游。 (Swim.) 如: 洑过河去。 (For example: swim across the river.) 其他引例 1. 《水经注·沔水》:又东为净滩,夏水急盛,川多湍洑。 (From "Commentary on the Waterways": To the east is a clean beach, where the summer water flows rapidly with many whirlpools.) 2. 清·魏源《释道北条弱水黑水》:则葱岭河源何以先汇于蒲昌,而又洑绝大山,出于星宿海? (From Qing Dynasty, Wei Yuan's "Explanation of the North Dao": How does the source of the Congling River first converge in Puchang, and then flow underground from the great mountains, emerging from the Milky Sea?) 总结 1. 游泳: ~水。 (Swimming: to swim in water.)
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