幽 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 幽
Stroke Order Diagrams for 幽
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 幽
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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "幽" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "幽" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Information of 幽
9 strokes
quiet / secluded
幽 [yōu]1. 隐藏,不公开的。 Conceal, not open to the public.2. 形容地方很僻静又光线暗。 Describes a place that is very secluded and dimly lit.3. 沉静而安闲。 Calm and leisurely.4. 把人关起来,不让跟外人接触。 To confine someone and prevent contact with outsiders.5. 迷信的人指阴间。 In superstitious beliefs, refers to the underworld.6. 古地名,大致相当于今中国河北省、辽宁省南部一带。 An ancient place name, approximately corresponding to the southern areas of present-day Hebei and Liaoning provinces.7. 幽静隐蔽的地方。 A quiet and secluded place.8. 坟墓。 Grave.9. 阴间。 Hell.10. 幽州。 You district.11. 古地名在今河北省北部及辽宁等地。 An ancient place name now in northern Hebei province and parts of Liaoning.12. 在今北京市及所属通县、房山及河北省武清、永清、安次等县境内。 Within modern Beijing, including districts such as Tong County, Fangshan, and parts of Wuqing, Yongqing, and Anci in Hebei province.动 (Verb):1. 同本义。 Same as the original meaning: conceal.2. 退隐;潜藏。 Withdraw from society; live in solitude.3. 囚禁。 To put in jail.4. 隐藏。 To hide.形 (Adjective):1. 昏暗;阴暗。 Dusky; dim.2. 深邃。 Deep.3. 幽静。 Peaceful.4. 卑微。 Humble.5. 幽雅。 Gentle.6. 通“黝”。黑色。 Means "black".名 (Noun):1. 幽静隐蔽的地方。 Quiet place.2. 坟墓。 Grave.3. 阴间。 Hell.4. 幽州。 You district.5. 古地名。 Ancient place name. 6. 在今河北省北部及辽宁等地。 Areas in present-day northern Hebei and Liaoning.7. 在今北京市及所属通县、房山及河北省武清、永清、安次等县境内。 Within present-day Beijing and the counties of Tong County, Fangshan, and parts of Wuqing, Yongqing, and Anci in Hebei.
(loanword) humor / humorous
specter / apparition / ghost
serene and hidden in depth or distance
faint / indistinct
Youzhou, ancient province in north Hebei and Liaoning / Fanyang 範陽|范阳 ancient city near modern Beijing
sense of humor
quiet / secluded / isolated / peaceful
(of a location) quiet and secluded / beautiful and secluded
serene and elegant (of a place) / ethereal (of music)
lovers' rendezvous / tryst
pylorus (anatomy)
deep valley
delicate fragrance
hidden bitterness, secret grudge
to imprison / to place under house arrest
live in seclusion
put under house arrest / confine oneself indoors
The winding path leads to a secluded quiet place. / A small path opens up on an enchanting view. / on twisted paths through twilight shades / a winding path leading to a secluded spot
dark / hell / netherworld / hades
secluded / quiet and remote / obscure and faraway
profound and unfathomable
Input Method for 幽
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters