枙 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 枙
Stroke Order Diagrams for 枙
Information of 枙
Pinyině、 è
8 strokes
枙 (zā): 1. Anciently the same as "科厄", referring to wood knots. 古同“科厄”,木节。 2. Anciently the same as "轭", meaning yoke. 古同“轭”。 3. To drive or guide. 驾,驭。 4. (Noun) Name of a plant. A species belonging to the Rubiaceae family, commonly known as gardenia, which is an evergreen shrub. It has short-stemmed, opposite leaves. In summer, it blooms white flowers that are fragrant. The fruit is oval-shaped, yellow in color, used medicinally and as a dye. The wood is dense and hard, suitable for carving. It is also referred to as "栀子". 名词 植物名。茜草科栀子属,常绿灌木。叶具短柄,对生。夏开白花,有香气。果实椭圆,色黄,可入药,也可做染料。木质密坚实,可为雕刻用。也称为「栀子」。 5. (Verb) To dye or decorate. From "Tang: Liu Zongyuan, 'Whip Merchant': 'Now the gardenia appears in its looks and waxes its speech to seek merchant skills in court.' 动词 染色、涂饰。唐.柳宗元〈鞭贾〉:「今之栀其貌,蜡其言,以求贾技于朝。」
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