翕 Stroke Order
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Information of 翕
12 strokes
翕 [xī]1. 合,聚,和顺:to unite, gather, and harmonize.2. 鸟类躯部背面和两翼表面的总称:the general term for the back and surface of the wings of birds.1. 合,聚,和顺:翕动,翕张(一合一开),"兄弟既翕,和乐且湛":to act in unison, to open and close, “When brothers are harmonious, there is joy and tranquility.”2. 鸟类躯部背面和两翼表面的总称:the general term for the back and surface of the wings of birds.<动>【本义】: 闭合; 收拢 - the original meaning: to close or gather.【造字法】: 形声。从羽,合声 - formation: phonetic combination; from the character for feather, with a meaning of unity.1. 同本义 ([En.] close) - the same original meaning.2. 聚集 ([En.] gather) - to assemble.3. 顺从 ([En.] be obedient to; submit to) - to comply or yield.4. 变动 ([En.] change) - to alter.引:1. 《夏小正》:蝘之兴,五日翕。 - "The excitement of the dragonflies, rising in five days."2. 《论语》:翕如也。皇疏:“习也。” - "It is harmonious, as explained by the Emperor."3. 《荀子·议兵》:伐翕伐张。 - "To attack with force and balance."4. 《诗·小雅·大东》:唯南有箕,载翕其舌。 - "In the south, there is a bushel, carrying its tongue."5. 《韩非子·喻老》:将欲翕之,必固张之。 - "To bring it together, one must surely spread it out first."6. 《聊斋志异·促织》:唇吻翕辟,不知何词。 - "Lips and tongues opened and closed, not knowing what words."例: 翕翼 (合翼);翕敛 (收敛; 收缩) - examples: to unite wings; to retract or gather.2. 聚集 ([En.] gather) - to assemble.引:1. 《世说新语·排调》:翕集家门,倾动人物。 - "Gathering at the family door, moving the people."例: 翕集 (聚集);翕翕 (和合的样子);翕聚 (会聚) - examples: to assemble; a harmonious appearance; coming together.3. 顺从 ([En.] be obedient to; submit to) - to comply or yield.例: 翕习 (顺心; 惬意); 翕服 (顺服; 悦服) - examples: to be agreeable; to be compliant.4. 变动 ([En.] change) - to alter.引:1. 李白《天长节度使鄂州刺史韦公德政碑》:宇宙翕变,草木增荣。 - "The universe transforms, and vegetation flourishes."<形>1. 和好; 一致 ([En.] identical) - harmonious and consistent.引:1. 《诗·小雅·常棣》:兄弟既翕,和乐且湛。 - "When brothers are harmonious, there is joy and tranquility."2. 王安石《知人》:君民翕然,倚以致平。 - "When rulers and citizens are united, peace is achieved."例: 翕合 (协调一致);翕应 (谓相互响应);翕绎 (声音和谐相续) - examples: coordinate; mutually responding; harmonious sounds.2. 盛 ([En.] vigorous) - vibrant.引:1. 《广韵》:翕,盛也。 - "翕 means flourish."例: 翕如 (指各种乐器同时演奏的盛况);翕习 (威盛的样子) - examples: to flourish (as in a symphony); to be vigorous.3. 迅疾 ([En.] fast) - rapid.引:1. 唐·柳宗元《至小丘西小石潭记》:往来翕忽。 - "Coming and going swiftly."例: 翕欻 (快速);翕忽 (形容疾速的样子);翕习 (疾快的样子) - examples: rapid; describing swiftness; quick appearance.(*引自繁体辞典解释)<动>1. 和好。 - To be harmonious. 例: 《诗经·小雅·常棣》:"兄弟既翕,和乐且湛。" - "When brothers are harmonious, there is joy and tranquility."2. 收敛、收缩。 - To retract or gather.引:《易经·系辞上》:夫坤其静也翕。 - "The Earth is quiet and gathers."《文选·枚乘·七发》:飞马闻之,翕翼而不能去。 - "The flying horse hears and gathers its wings but cannot go."3. 吸引。 - To attract.引:《诗经·小雅·大东》:维南有箕,载翕其舌。 - "In the south, there is a bushel, carrying its tongue."唐·李白〈早过漆林渡寄万巨〉诗:"漏流昔吞翕,沓浪竞奔注。" - "The flowing water once swallowed me up, and the waves rushed in competition."通 “吸”.4. 聚集。 - To assemble.引:南朝宋·刘义庆《世说新语·排调》:翕集家门,倾动人物。 - "Assembling at the family door, moving the people."<副>1. 和谐顺服的样子。 - The appearance of harmony and compliance. 参见「翕然 」条。
Ji Zhang
Input Method for 翕
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters