采 Stroke Order
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Information of 采
Pinyincǎi、 cài
8 strokes
to pick / to pluck / to collect / to select / to choose / to gather, affairs / gather, allotment to a feudal noble
采 cǎi 1. 摘取。 (To pick or pluck.) - 例:~撷。~花。~摘。~制。 (Examples: to pick fruits or flowers, to pluck or pick for processing.)2. 开采。 (To mine or extract.) - 例:~煤。~矿。 (Examples: to mine coal, to extract minerals.)3. 选取,取。 (To select or choose.) - 例:~访(搜集寻访)。~纳(接受意见)。~集。~购。~写。 (Examples: to collect and visit; to accept opinions; to select, purchase, or write.)4. 神采,神色,精神。 (Color, spirit, or expression.) - 例:神~。精~。 (Examples: in high spirits, full of vitality.)5. 同“彩”。 (Same as "彩".) 6. 〔~~〕盛多的样子。 (A look of abundance.) 7. 古代指官。 (In ancient times, refers to an official.)---采 採 cǎi 动 (verb) 【本义】:用手指或指尖轻轻摘取来 (Original meaning: to gently pick or pluck with fingers or fingertips.) 【造字法】:会意。从爪从木。甲骨文,上象手,下象树木及其果实。表示以手在树上采摘果实和叶子。 (Character formation: compound ideograph composed of 'claw' and 'wood'; depicts picking fruit and leaves from a tree.) 1. 同本义 ([En.] pick) - 引:《说文》:采,捋取也。字俗作採。 (From Shuowen: to pick, often written as 採.) - 引:诗《周南·关雎》:参差荇菜,左右采之。 - 引:诗《邶风·谷风》:采葑采菲,无以下体。 - 引:诗《小雅·采薇》:采薇采薇,薇亦作止。 - 引:《周礼·乐师》:行以肆夏,趋以采荠。 2. 引申为采集;搜集 ([En.] collect; gather) - 引:汉书《艺文志》:古有采诗之官。 - 例:如:采兰赠药;博采众长;广收薄采;采了200多种矿样;采药;采珍珠;采铁;采金;采气;采油。 (Examples: to gather herbs; to gather strength from various sources; to collect samples; to collect medicines, pearls, iron, gold, gas, and oil.)3. 挑选;采纳 ([En.] choose; accept) - 引:《仪礼·士昏礼》:纳采。 - 引:《礼记·坊记》:昏礼始纳采。谓采择其可者也。 - 引:《资治通鉴》:嵘虽位末名卑,而所言或有可采。 - 引:《史记·秦始皇本纪》:采上古帝位号,曰皇帝。 ---采 採 cǎi 名 (noun) 1. 多色的丝织品。后来写作“綵” ([En.] colored silks) - 引:汉·晁错《论贵粟疏》:衣必文采,食必梁肉。 2. 引申为彩色。后写作“彩” ([En.] color) - 引:《孟子·梁惠王上》:抑为采色不足视於目与? - 引:《史记·项羽本纪》:吾令人望其气,皆为龙虎,成五采。 - 例:如:采缯(彩色丝织品);采服(彩色的衣服);采章(绘有彩色图案的旌旗、车舆及服饰)。 3. 文章的词藻 ([En.] word) - 引:《文心雕龙》:繁采寡情,味之必厌。 4. 精神上的活力或生气 ([En.] complexion; spirit) - 例:如:兴高采烈。 5. 神色;神态 ([En.] expression) - 例:如:风采。 6. 彩头,赌注 ([En.] wager) - 例:如:采头(赌注。采:骰子的点色。掷出得胜的点色,称“得采”、“喝采”。) 7. 另见 cài ---采 寀、埰 cài 名 (noun) 1. 采地,古代士大夫的封邑 ([En.] fief; feoff), 又叫采邑,食邑,采地。 - 引:《礼记·礼运》:大夫有采,以处其子孙。 2. 古九畿之一 ([En.] outer suburbs). 3. 另见 cǎi
to adopt or carry out (measures, policies, course of action) / to take
acclaim / cheer
in glowing spirits (idiom); bursting with life / radiating health and vigor
to extract (ore or other resource from a mine) / to exploit / to mine
in high spirits (idiom); glowing with health and vigor
to excavate / to extract (ore)
extractive industry
happy and excited (idiom) / in high spirits / in great delight
to pluck / to pick
recoverable reserve / exploitable reserve / workable reserve
firewood chopping and collecting
felling volume / felling quantity / felling yield
to fell / to cut
full of spirit and energy / brim with energy and vitality / with a joyful face / with sparkling eyes / happy look
coal mining / coal extraction / coal cutting
to adopt / to employ / to use
to accept / to adopt
be rich and varied / colourful and rich in variety / varied and colourful / of colour and variety / dazzlingly rich and colourful
pick tea-leaves
to interview / to gather news / to hunt for and collect / to cover
to procure (for an enterprise etc) / to purchase
to pick flowers / to enter houses at night in order to rape women
svelte / elegant manner / graceful bearing
to gather / to collect / to harvest
to buy on a considerable scale / to purchase / to procure / to stock up
expression / spirit / vigor
Input Method for 采
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters