䩤 Stroke Order
Information of 䩤
Pinyinxì、 xié
16 strokes
Definition of 「䩤」:1. To tie the hock of an ox. English: To tie the hock of an ox. Explanation: As stated in "Shuowen Jiezi • Ge Bu": "䩤, to tie the hock of an ox." Wang Yun's phrase explains: "Hock, in 'Leipian,' is written as neck, which is incorrect. If one wishes for the ox to move, one applies a rope to the horn to lead it; if one wants the ox to stop, one applies a rope to the hock to trip it. There is no instance of tying it by the neck."2. To tightly bind. English: To tightly bind. Explanation: Referenced in "Guangyun • Xie Yun": "䩤, to tie tightly."3. Urgent. English: Urgent. Explanation: Cited in "Juyun • Xie Yun": "䩤, meaning urgent."
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