橑 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 橑
Stroke Order Diagrams for 橑
Information of 橑
16 strokes
Definition of「橑」: 1. Roof beam. - Example: "桂栋兮兰~,辛夷楣兮药房。" (Translation: "The fragrant beams of the cassia house and the magnolia eaves of the pharmacy.") 2. The arched framework of an umbrella. - Example: "古之为路车也,盖圆以象天,二十八~以象列星。" (Translation: "The ancient carts covered a circular top resembling the heavens, with twenty-eight bows symbolizing the stars.") 3. Firewood. 4. A type of medicinal herb mentioned in ancient texts.Noun: Roof beam. - Reference: From "广韵, 上声, 皓韵": "橑, 檐前木." (Translation: "橑 refers to the wood at the eaves.") - Reference: From "楚辞, 屈原, 九歌, 湘夫人": "桂栋兮兰橑, 辛夷楣兮药房." (Translation: "The fragrant beams of the cassia house and the magnolia eaves of the pharmacy.")Noun: The arched framework of an umbrella. - Reference: From "广韵, 平声, 萧韵": "橑, 盖骨也." (Translation: "橑 refers to the framework of the cover.") - Reference: From "淮南子, 说林": "盖非橑不能蔽日,轮非辐不能追疾。" (Translation: "Without the framework (橑), one cannot shield from the sun; without spokes (辐), one cannot pursue speed.")
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