粄 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 粄
Stroke Order Diagrams for 粄
Information of 粄
10 strokes
粄 (Bǎn)1. A type of rice cake made from glutinous rice.- Reference: 唐玄應 [Tang Xuanying].2. A type of rice cake made from glutinous rice.- Reference: 唐玄應《一切經音義》卷十八 (Volume 18 of "Yiqie Jing Yinyi") quotes 晋葛洪 (Jin Ge Hong)《要用字苑》(Yao Yong Zi Yuan): "(粄)布滿反,餈類也。" [“(Bǎn) refers to a type of glutinous rice cake.”] 《玉篇•米部》 (Yu Pian • Rice Section) states: "粄, rice cake." 《廣韻•緩韻》 (Guangyun • Huan Rhyme) states: "粄, is a type of rice cake." 唐段成式 (Tang Duan Cheng Shi) in《酉陽雜俎•酒食》(You Yang Za Zu • Wine and Food) states: "All those that are made combined with other ingredients are sugary, prepared by various methods such as pressing, boiling, and frying."3. Noun: A type of cake made from ground rice.- Reference: 《广韵》. 上声. 缓韵: "粄, is a type of ground rice cake."- Example: As a proverb states, "When a woman goes to her husband's family, sweet rice cakes should be fried in oil."
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